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On a less perverted note--I'm having a hard time finding threads that I want to post in or games I want to buy. Have I finally gotten over my video game addiction? Has the real world claimed me as its victim?

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how to change the green font? its really blinding!

trashleg said:

Anyone have a decent reply to this douchebag? Don't wanna waste a good opportunity to give a d-head a taste of his own medicine. :D

Hm, I don't think any reply would do anything but amuse him. My cousin is the type to pull that shit, just have to ignore him.

Unrelated note, I'm helping fix said cousin's computer, and when he hears me hyping the new Game of Thrones trailer to my friends, he yells out a bunch of random spoilers (he actually read the books, sadly, even though he's the type of idiot you'd never expect to pick one up). Just to be a dick.

I hate people

c0rd said:

Hm, I don't think any reply would do anything but amuse him. My cousin is the type to pull that shit, just have to ignore him.

Unrelated note, I'm helping fix said cousin's computer, and when he hears me hyping the new Game of Thrones trailer to my friends, he yells out a bunch of random spoilers (he actually read the books, sadly, even though he's the type of idiot you'd never expect to pick one up). Just to be a dick.

I hate people

my sister's friend gave me the perfect reply.


"I'm 11". Gonna try that one, I think. At the very least, he'll shit his pants and think twice before sending a message like that again.

I haven't watched/read GoT yet, but I plan to. So no spoilers! :p  I also hate people. 

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

I've never played Fallout, any of them. However, I'm aware of a Sentinel Lyons in Fallout 3, who leads the Lyons Pride. Which I find hilarious, given that that's my family name and I have 7 siblings in my immediate family alone, so we refer to ourselves jokingly as a pride.

I found out today that my wee cousin shares her full name, but is a total skank who fights and drinks and sleeps about (she's 15!?) Why can't she be cool and play video games and be innocent and not a slut?

Anyway, gonna start using the Lyons Pride crest I think. I love it.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
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I'm really enjoying One Direction's newest album
No seriously I am.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

I was gonna make a thread but I'm not even sure I want the attention.

I'll just put it here: I'm having problems at home and I don't think my GF and I are going to be together much longer. We pretty much have broken up but we're still living together since she's unemployed and has no place to go. We went from engaged to roommates, over the last couple of weeks. I have a friend who's a lesbian. I mean full 100% proud, short haired, etc. It's obvious to anybody that sees her that she has no interest in guys. Anyway, yesterday, she told me that she was interested in me. We were alone and she said, (I'll try to quote it as best as I can) "I really don't care if you have a penis or a vagina. I'm really just attracted to your soul. I'd go with a man but I was just waiting for the right one." I replied, "WHATEVER! You're just boosting my ego!" But she assured me she's serious. Been avoiding her ever since.

Anyway, she's got a cute body and would look nice if she let her hair grow and wear some make up. We talk about comics, video games, and other geek related stuff all of the time without any tension since she's never been interested in me (or so I thought). We're different races, too (as usual). Plus, we work together (never a good thing to get involved with a co-worker). Not sure how to play this one.

d21lewis said:
I was gonna make a thread but I'm not even sure I want the attention.

I'll just put it here: I'm having problems at home and I don't think my GF and I are going to be together much longer. We pretty much have broken up but we're still living together since she's unemployed and has no place to go. We went from engaged to roommates, over the last couple of weeks. I have a friend who's a lesbian. I mean full 100% proud, short haired, etc. It's obvious to anybody that sees her that she has no interest in guys. Anyway, yesterday, she told me that she was interested in me. We were alone and she said, (I'll try to quote it as best as I can) "I really don't care if you have a penis or a vagina. I'm really just attracted to your soul. I'd go with a man but I was just waiting for the right one." I replied, "WHATEVER! You're just boosting my ego!" But she assured me she's serious. Been avoiding her ever since.

Anyway, she's got a cute body and would look nice if she let her hair grow and wear some make up. We talk about comics, video games, and other geek related stuff all of the time without any tension since she's never been interested in me (or so I thought). We're different races, too (as usual). Plus, we work together (never a good thing to get involved with a co-worker). Not sure how to play this one.

you're heading for the ultimate disaster... anyone could see it coming.. you're too nice to have your ex gf living at your place.. can't she go stay with a friend?
Anyway the lesbian who turned out to be a Bisexual: Stay away from it.. nothing good comes from it.. expect the chance for a threeway.. which is tempeting I know.. I have been there.. but to be in a relationship with someone like that you have to be real confident cause she swings both ways and looking at you right now.. I mean didn't even get rid of your ex.. which is nice from you but ultimatily a recipe for disaster.. get everything straigthen out first.


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

spurgeonryan said:
If it is over with your possible finance that quickly then why not? But are you two really done? Nothing will help?

I came here to say that a kids first traumatizing experience is losing teeth. Pull, don't pull, blood, forgetting to be a tooth fairy and saying " you did not believe enough" etc. Now he has no front teeth and it is not even Christmas time!

With my fiance ("Finance"?  You're probably right...), I don't know what the future holds.  One day, we fight like cats and dogs.  The next day, we're like some TV movie couple.  I broke up with her on January 27th and we pretty much agree that "we are never, ever, ever, getting back together" but I'm actually not doing anything wrong until she moves out.  I owe her nothing and I actually think I'd be okay if I found out that she has found somebody else, at this point.  Seems like we go out more now than we did before the "Breakup".  I see plenty of potential victi...err...girlfriends, though.

Mi vida loca.

NiKKoM said:

you're heading for the ultimate disaster... anyone could see it coming.. you're too nice to have your ex gf living at your place.. can't she go stay with a friend?
Anyway the lesbian who turned out to be a Bisexual: Stay away from it.. nothing good comes from it.. expect the chance for a threeway.. which is tempeting I know.. I have been there.. but to be in a relationship with someone like that you have to be real confident cause she swings both ways and looking at you right now.. I mean didn't even get rid of your ex.. which is nice from you but ultimatily a recipe for disaster.. get everything straigthen out first.

Yeah, over the years, I've screwed up more than enough times when it comes to women.  I fall in love with the idea of who I think they are whenever a woman shows me the slightest bit of attention.  I have  a hard time saying no.  I really have no self control....but not this time.  I'm being good.  I play with the idea of this new girl in my head but, for once, I'm going to do the right thing.  If things work out with me and my GF (with whom, I have an amazing child), that's great.  If not, I'm gonna be the kind of man I'd like my sister or daughter to date.  The lesbian/bisexual situation is flattering but I'm too old for that stuff, now.