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NiKKoM said:

you're heading for the ultimate disaster... anyone could see it coming.. you're too nice to have your ex gf living at your place.. can't she go stay with a friend?
Anyway the lesbian who turned out to be a Bisexual: Stay away from it.. nothing good comes from it.. expect the chance for a threeway.. which is tempeting I know.. I have been there.. but to be in a relationship with someone like that you have to be real confident cause she swings both ways and looking at you right now.. I mean didn't even get rid of your ex.. which is nice from you but ultimatily a recipe for disaster.. get everything straigthen out first.

Yeah, over the years, I've screwed up more than enough times when it comes to women.  I fall in love with the idea of who I think they are whenever a woman shows me the slightest bit of attention.  I have  a hard time saying no.  I really have no self control....but not this time.  I'm being good.  I play with the idea of this new girl in my head but, for once, I'm going to do the right thing.  If things work out with me and my GF (with whom, I have an amazing child), that's great.  If not, I'm gonna be the kind of man I'd like my sister or daughter to date.  The lesbian/bisexual situation is flattering but I'm too old for that stuff, now.