Guess who's back? Back again? That's right, allaboutthegames885 here, fresh from my trip to Minneapolis, MN, to tell you about said trip, as well as to show you pictures of said vacation. Here we go.

This is the rental car we took there. It would break down before we could start back, which is the reason why I posted this on Friday after a good night's sleep, rather than Thursday after a good night's sleep. Unfortunately I don't think I have a photo of the rental we took home.

This is a photo of my mom I took at a Denny's on the way there. Lovely lady, isn't she?

This is the appetizer me and my family shared. Yummy!

If you can look closely, you can see the state sign welcoming us to Minnesota. Our hotel awaits!

This is the CONvergence Consuite during a slow time on Thursday, June 30th, 2011. I've been going to this convention every year since the Sci-fi/Fantasy fandom paradigm in Minnesota shifted from Minicon to CONvergence. Basically, Minicon was trying to go back to its roots as a small convention. As for my thoughts about that, I say that you can't put a full-grown live chicken back into its egg, and you can't shrink a full-grown convention without pissing off nearly everybody who goes to your event. E3 tried that and it nearly destroyed their event. [/end_rant] Moving on...

My Grandma, Margie. The very source of most of my political viewpoints.
Connie, mascot of CONvergence, in plastic statue form.

My mom and grandmother, dressed in their Sunday finest... on Saturday night.

My cousin, Esther, looking up from her computer.

My cousin, Esther, looking up from her computer... and smiling!

My brother, Michael, being a goober, as always.

The Fourth of July Fireworks, which would have been the perfect ending to our vacation, if the gear shift on our rental hadn't failed us the very next day. That's okay, because that same day..
My mom took this one at the Mall of America, just outside Nickelodeon Universe.
After all that spending and fun time, we still had to return home. With the replacement car we were given, we got Michael home, no sweat! Then we got mom's Ford Focus back from the Chattanooga Airport parking lot. On our way back to the apartment we share, mom got a flat. She pulled over, turned on the warning lights, and called for roadside assistance. We didn't have to wait long before help arrived. They jacked up the car, removed the flat, and replaced it with the donut in mom's trunk. The rest of our return trip went smoothly. That's what happened on my trip. To all of you who took the time to view this in its entirety, thanks. To all those who got bored and skipped to the end, thank you as well. I think I want some feedback if at all possible. Thank you for your time.
PS: Do you like my new avatar? It's my personal Mii from my 3DS!