trasharmdsister12 said:
Please tell me the story.
trasharmdsister12 said:
Please tell me the story.
trasharmdsister12 said:
I haven't been quite the same since my ordeal with her. One thing hasn't changed though, I still don't know when to stop joking |
I want to drive around a Go-Kart track for hours and hours now.
What sense does it make? I work overtime, pay 80% of the bills, and actually have a savings account with actual savings. My GF always finds a way to stay home from work, only pays her car payment, her car insurance, and buys groocery--and bill collectors are still constantly calling her. AND if I buy a game, accesory, or something like that, it's a waste of money--She has absolutely no problem with me taking her out and blowing $60 on dinner or something (or spending somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 on our trip to Atlanta this weekend) and STILL asking me for $1000 for a party we're having next month.
I'm this close to saying, "Fuck it!" and running for my life.
d21lewis said: What sense does it make? I work overtime, pay 80% of the bills, and actually have a savings account with actual savings. My GF always finds a way to stay home from work, only pays her car payment, her car insurance, and buys groocery--and bill collectors are still constantly calling her. AND if I buy a game, accesory, or something like that, it's a waste of money--She has absolutely no problem with me taking her out and blowing $60 on dinner or something (or spending somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 on our trip to Atlanta this weekend) and STILL asking me for $1000 for a party we're having next month. I'm this close to saying, "Fuck it!" and running for my life. |
That really stinks
Have you ever talked to her about it? Listening to Dave Ramsey occasionally on the radio, sometimes you can make people like that see the light
I truly do wish you the best of luck, as it is unfortunate that you have found yourself in that situation.
Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.
trashleg said:
lol just kidding, hope you get/got it done on time. I got 83% for my class test last week though, so if I do well in this report hopefully my terrible effort at the last one will be compensated for. I never bothered with it because I didn't think I'd pass the class test anyway.. :/ |
I know 3 pages is nothing. Most people would type whatever or just say screw it but I actually took the time to write a decent essay and that is what bugs me. To be fair I did start it only a few hours before it was due.
I usually don't have a problem writing papers I hate when I finish at the last minute though. I have 3 more papers for the semester (all different classes) then I'm done.
On a sidenote: I am deeply saddened by the loss of my favorite twitter account to shadowstalk. RIP electricbacon.
Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.
trasharmdsister12 said:
What do you mean by "bullied"? Like physically attacked? Name calling? |
Name calling and my frind was punched and kicked today! >_> oh and people threw my books and pushed me!
Tino Vainamoinen said:
I don't like the idea of this. Do you live in a bad neighborhood or something? What would happen if you told your brother or mother or a teacher or something? You can't just live every day like that.
Tino Vainamoinen said:
Holy moley, that sounds horrid!
Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.
trasharmdsister12 said:
What?! Is this a common thing for you? I've never really been bullied so I don't know what advice I can give but I'd suggest talking to someone about these sorts of things as d21 said. It's a shame that things like this even happen. |
well...sort of...I've been bullied all my life...but NOTHING compared to yesterday!
I told my mom and she said "We'll talk about that later" and I told teachers and all they said was "wow" :| So yeahhhhhh