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Can't wait to get my compact treadmill and the lolita clothes I ordered!

Getting slimmer and prettier... Woot! >:3

Around the Network
Signalstar said:

I'm about to ejaculate emotion all over this thread:

1) I'm super pissed that cable has pulled Fox 5 from the tv where I live so I can't watch my beloved Giants play today.

2) I have 2 midterms to take in the morning and I'm putting off studying to a dangerous degree.

3) For some reason I can't finish my Kingdom Hearts review and it is really starting to get to me.

4) I just watched the Back to the Future trilogy for the first time and I have to say it was really enjoyable.

5) Everytime I try to see the Social Network with friends something comes up and we can't go.

6) I am sick and tired of commuting to my university everyday. I feel so distant from my friends there and I don't even have the time to join any clubs or anything.

7) I have to fight the urge to kill each and every prep kid that takes the same train as I do. They are the ultimate form of teenage douchebags, loud obnoxious pricks.

8) I found a job at a restaurant which sucked but I was desperate and it was my first job. So even though I was working for minimum wage and had to wear shoes 4 sizes to small while working I accepted it with a smile on my face. I did 2 days of training and then the asshole manager tells me there is no more room on the schedule for me and not to come back. At least I was paid.

9) I have a new job at my school that is much easier and more enjoyable but I haven't been paid yet and I'm really running low on funds.

10) I went to NYAF/ Comic Con last week for the 3rd year in a row. I only had a Saturday pass but I didn't know I had to work Saturday morning so I missed half of the show. I walked the width of Manhattan to get there just to save on subway fare. I was too tired to take as many pictures as I usually do. There really wasn't much anime stuff to speak of because Comic Con dominated which makes me sad because I went mainly for NYAF.

11) I had a portrait of myself done at the show and I really like it. Its going to be my next avatar.

12) I still think the movie Avatar sucks.

13) I assemebled an entire bookcase by myself last night and I feel extremely macho now because of it.

14) I never have any time to go to the gym anymore.

15) My friend's grade in college are sucking so far so he might not be able to stay enrolled there much longer which sucks as I hang out in his dorm as much as possible.

16) For the first time in years I went to dentist and didn't have any new cavities but they found a huge hole in one of my teeth so I need new fillings anyway -_-.

17) My first night partying in college I was so drunk I ended up making out with the plumpest most unattractive grenade at the party and its made afraid to drink like that again.

18) I miss doing podcasts for the site.


-Done with midterms

-My six pack is coming in nicely

-Work is going to suck on saturday

-I have to post 14 more reviews by the end of the year to beat last years number. Who bets I can do it?

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

Signalstar said:

-Done with midterms

-My six pack is coming in nicely

-Work is going to suck on saturday

-I have to post 14 more reviews by the end of the year to beat last years number. Who bets I can do it?

If I bet you CAN do it, you'll avoid doing them just to win the bet.  I'm gonna bet against you.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

Around the Network
lolita said:

I just made some peanut butter cookies... So delicious!

1up's lolita's cookies with chocolate peanut butter cheesecake!!


Boutros said:

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

I whip my hair back and forth.

You're such a rebel.

I'm thinking I should probably get to bed soon.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I gonna go craaaazy!!


Fucking shit. I know I'm gonna mess things up with this hot girl...fuck fuck fuck!

Snesboy said:

Fucking shit. I know I'm gonna mess things up with this hot girl...fuck fuck fuck!

I thought you were gay 0_o