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Wow, d21lewis, I hope you're alright with all that... But it seems to me that we both are case studies on that old axiom that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all... I've never really found love or anything similar... I tend to isolate myself from the opposite sex for fear of hurting/being hurt by them. It probably goes back to the nasty divorce my parents had when I was 11, and the psychotic girlfriends that my dad dated as an attempt to destroy himself afterwards. My dad ruined girls for me forever, and my mom couldn't do anything about it. I think I'm worried that love might make me want to destroy myself like it did my parents, and yes, they both wanted to destroy themselves; my mom has tried to kill herself at least one occasion. I know all this happened at least 14 years ago, but it still weighs me down.

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14 years, huh?  That sucks.  I'm the kind of person that dwells on the past, too.  I'm at work and here, I have a lot of time to think.  I'll probably cry before the night is over.  Lots of memories with that girl-good, bad, and unbelieveable.  

I might have become a big hypocrite today. Pretty sure, anyway


See, my internship is with Global Centurion, an NGO founded by a woman who used to work for the State Department (yay!) and used to protest Pornography in connection to violence against women (yay?). I disagree with her on that point, but support the organization's cause of working to stop human trafficking worldwide (the issue being the two might be interlinked, the idea being that porn breeds demand for hookers, and those hookers are often vulnerable young women from Moldova/wherever who thought they were coming to America/wherever to be dancers, then had their passports snatched)


Anyway, the point of this story is that I am doing a research paper for that internship (and also applying it for credit at my school, two birds with one stone), a paper on the unique factors of Japanese culture that create demand for sex trafficking in that country. Literally at the same time that i was searching for articles to use as research for this paper on why stuff like hentai might be interlinked with illegal sex, i was also working on a way to mass-download hentai doujinshi (which i found thanks to an add-on called DownThemAll)


I don't think i've ever done any two things so opposed to one another simultaneously like that.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.


this thread is dead...)':

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My b-day is in 8 days... I wonder what I will get and do on the day. My fiance is taking a day off... Hmmm I'd really like to go to that sushi place...

And wedding is next month. It now makes me a bit nervous (in a good way) to think about it... Since it's so close.

Did any one see the afl grand final i just stared in dis belif that Collingwood could be so go and win. piss of as i hate them.

Richmond 2011


I'm thinking I should get changed out of my skinny jeans and into something comfortable

d21lewis said:

My beloved Amy is engaged to be married.  She was 19 when I met her.  Nobody partied harder, lied better, or loved stronger than her.  I was addicted to her from the start.  I had to let her go because I belonged to another.  We were from two different worlds.  I always assumed she was too wild and free to ever be tied down.  I avoided her for over a year but I always kept up with her to make sure that she was okay.  In the past, whenever she was in trouble, I was always there to save her.  I miss those days.  I miss being her hero.  In the back of my mind, I always thought of her.  I always felt like somehow, we'd be together again.  Those days are done.  She has her fiance and I have mine.

She's found a new hero.  Now, I can finally let go.

Man, when I was reading the earlier pages of this thread it was all talking nonsense, then I posted my meaningless contribution about the confinement of my junk within tight legware, and when the page loads I see that ^. Now I feel the need to contribute something equally meaningful and I got nothing.

i cant be bothered with anything today. i just want to go back to bed. >:O


but... the weather is nice. i mean, its not raining so thats a start :D :D


and i finish uni at 2 so yaaay.

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.