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I might have become a big hypocrite today. Pretty sure, anyway


See, my internship is with Global Centurion, an NGO founded by a woman who used to work for the State Department (yay!) and used to protest Pornography in connection to violence against women (yay?). I disagree with her on that point, but support the organization's cause of working to stop human trafficking worldwide (the issue being the two might be interlinked, the idea being that porn breeds demand for hookers, and those hookers are often vulnerable young women from Moldova/wherever who thought they were coming to America/wherever to be dancers, then had their passports snatched)


Anyway, the point of this story is that I am doing a research paper for that internship (and also applying it for credit at my school, two birds with one stone), a paper on the unique factors of Japanese culture that create demand for sex trafficking in that country. Literally at the same time that i was searching for articles to use as research for this paper on why stuff like hentai might be interlinked with illegal sex, i was also working on a way to mass-download hentai doujinshi (which i found thanks to an add-on called DownThemAll)


I don't think i've ever done any two things so opposed to one another simultaneously like that.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.