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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ohh Yeah Killzone 2 Demo Is Up!!!

Yea, they recorded a bunch of lines there, lol. I wonder how many times you'll have to climb ledges like that.

Another cool moment I had. When the flood gates close, I was shooting at a guy behind one of those blocks and I didn't see any other enemies around so I ran up to the guy I was trying to hit and started to melee him. Right after I smacked him down, I was smacked from behind and died by an enemy I had no idea was there.

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makingmusic476 said:
Play without the HUD. It's a totally different and more awesome experience!

I did yesterday, but I can't remember something. If you turn off all the hud elements, wont the subtitles not show up?

I'd really like to play without the hud and crosshairs, but I think that on screen indicators for objectives, picking up weapons/interacting with objects, and subtitles should still be there.


I'm going to play it again though, I want to try the "missile" thing people are talking about with the gas containers. Sounds sick. I also want to find that one shot rifle as well.


@euphoria: ahahaha, you should do that, it is insanely fun. Watch it wizz, then it flies off and everything goes boom ^^

And the one shot rifle is just a pain in the ass (at the moment >_>)

CGI-Quality said:
@ Mirson

See now you're just nitpicking, come on dude, seriously!!!

It's just average. Nothing special at all. Shooting and aiming feels like playing Far Cry 2.

CGI-Quality said:
@ Mirson

I'm not arguing about it further, you say average, most of us disagree, leave it at that.


the kid is delusional at best.

If K2 is average then Bioshock is mediocre and Army of Two utter crap to him.

Around the Network
twingo said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Mirson

I'm not arguing about it further, you say average, most of us disagree, leave it at that.


the kid is delusional at best.

If K2 is average then Bioshock is mediocre and Army of Two utter crap to him.


Well....... I don't think that's far from what Army of Two actually was.

The single shot rifle is really good, all you guys should try to use it if you can. Lets just say a headshot with that weapon and you will have a big smile on your face

where is said rifle?

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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nordlead said:
where is said rifle?


In the warehouse, there will be a helghast on the roof of that small room (the one with the table and file cabinets). If you can get him to fall off (by grenade or whatever), you can pick it up from him.

^ I got this from another forum. I would check there, that is what I am doing now.

the only place that i know where to find the Sta-14 (Sta-14?) semi-automatic helghast rifle is in the warehouse. there's a helghast on top of the shack in there who has it; i usually use grenades to try to blast him off the roof so i can grab his weapon.


EDIT - Beat by 3 minutes. Wow I suck!

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