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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Shuts Up Gabe Newell!

epicurean said:
exindguy said:
Gilgamesh said:

he will eat his own words regarding the PS3 being terminated or being a failure.

Preferably smothered in ranch and BBQ sauce with a side of onion rings, a double-thick milk shake and a seat at his local all you can eat Chinese buffet.

Yeah it's evil, but it's low-hanging fruit I can't resist picking ;)


This whole thread was a mess of fanboy's saying they were right and the other was wrong...but this, THIS was awesome!


Garçon, there's a fanboy in my soup.

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The real answer is.
Does PS3 need Gabe or does Gabe need PS3?


Killzone 2, God of War III, Grand Turismo and Final Fantasy XIII are all going to be just as good (and most likely better) than Portal.

There I said it.

And in case you were wondering, I'm not talking about being more innovative. But those game will be more enjoyable, will have much better graphics and will last more then an hour and a half.

You don't even own Portal, what are you even trying to do here? Part of Portal's appeal is the fact that it does in the space of four hours what most games can't do in fifteen, or twenty. Portal is still probably the best PC game of the generation, also happens to be one of the best games on consoles for this generation, and it's going to take a lot more than a (very good, I'm sure) polished shooter in order to dehtrone it. Portal's excellent in a way that the games you listed can't compare to. It's sublime.

well if I remember correctly

he told people to abandon the PS3, said it was going fail & told SONY to discontinue it and start over

frankly he couldn't have been more wrong in each department

so yeah he never rectified his mistake n said he was terrible at predicting the consol'es future

He didn't tell people to abandon the PS3 to the best of my knowledge, though if he said to people that the PS3 was going to be part of the reason that some companies end up losing money and going under, he apparently wasn't that far off the mark.

Newell has always been for PC development over console development. The Wii is the first console that he isn't venomous toward. That doesn't make him in Microsoft's pocket, it means that he knows how to work the PC industry and is one of the only developers who can still make money even during economic times like this one.

I repeat: he's not a hater.


Ok, so that's one game. Also, I never played Portal, so I can't tell you one way or the other. However, you said their past few games, which is what I was referring to as ignorant. The only reason you're saying that is because you want it to do bad, not because of your knowledge of the game. It seems to me that you're saying this just because you don't like the PS3. Now I may be wrong, but regardless, your statement about it being half as good is extremely ignorant, even if you're only referring to Portal.

Right off the bat: the "half as good" phrase was stepping over the lin and I apologize. I assumed that the fact that it was hyperbolic would come across clearly.

That said?

No, I do not expect Killzone 2 to be anywhere as good as Portal. I expect it to outsell it, I expect it to make a lot of money for GG, and I expect it to be very highly rated. I do not expect it to be as good.

I don't dislike Sony, that is a ridiculous statement and you have made yoruself look ridiculous for saying it. Sony's umbrella houses some of my favorit developers and the only reason I don't own a PS3 is because I can't afford it right now. There is a fine line between saying that Valve's projects are someo f the best in the industry and I don't expect Killzone to be as good as anythign Valve has made since 2004 (as in everything in the Orange Box + Left 4 Dead) and saying that I dislike Sony. Do not confuse the two.

I didn't care for Portal, so I'd be pretty crushed if a game came out this year that didn't best it.

No matter how beautiful, how sublime, a product is, there is always goign to be someone who doesn't like it. That there is someone who doesn't like Portal doesn't surprise me.

Gilgamesh said:

Gabe Newell stated that the PS3 is a bad console, a failure, and that Sony should stop making it and try again. He refuse to develop games for the PS3 console because of its hard-to-develop-for cell, or so he says. This means we wont be seeing any PS3 port of Left 4 Dead. This also should have been obvious when Valve laughed and said they can’t wait to see Left 4 Dead on the PS3 (which they were being sarcastic). Gabe Newell needs to check his sources again because it is fact, that Valve hasn’t ever made anything close to the quality of killzone 2 this generation on the so called easy-to-develop-for platform labeled Xbox 360. Gabe Newell, as a well respected game developer should welcome the challenge, game development is not always going to be easy and you have to work hard at it to get amazing results as shown in Killzone 2. Until Gabe Newell can prove that he can out do anything of full potential for the PS3 on the 360, then he will eat his own words regarding the PS3 being terminated or being a failure.

Exactly, hes just being lazy, if you put a little effort into it there could be many games out like Killzone 2 on the PS3.

Spare me, there are plenty of devs who don't want to develop for the 360, but still acknowledge that they can get the job done while spending less money and finishing games within a shorter period of time.


It's a pity for those ps3 players wanting to play his games. But really Valve games are meant for the pc.

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@prite--true they stole it all from the pc..ohh i mean borrowed


It's a pity for those ps3 players wanting to play his games. But really Valve games are meant for the pc.

hiphopgamershow? really? WTF. Choose the source of entertainment first. Hip Hop or gaming. Not both. What next? YO MTV RAPS! HD?

I'd like to see a comparison of Killzone 2 to Half-Life 2 from a physics and gameplay perspective. My money's on HL2.

If you're going to complain about Left 4 Dead not being on the PS3, then why do you go on saying that its not anywhere near the "quality" of killzone 2? What is your defenition of quality-- just graphics only?

i dont care what gabe says, but the big fish is very very ugly.
im sorry for him.