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Forums - Gaming Discussion - A Billionaire gives you $500 million and says: "Here..make a great game!"

The game of my dreams would be an objective based online FPS set in the Metroid universe. My concept is that you would have federation versus space pirates with each side having unique classes including a hero (i.e. Samus or an elite pirate) with abilities needed to complete the objective (i.e. morph ball or other mobility related abilities). The hero requires the support of the team as he or she completes the objective. The heroes for the next round are chosen by lottery with high scorers being given preference.

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck
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One game for $500 million? What a waste, no way.

Instead I would gather the best developers of western point & click adventures (Ron Gilbert, Tim Schaefer, Roberta Williams, The Two Guys from Andromeda, Charles Cecil, Jane Jensen, Al Lowe, the former Westwood Studios guys who developed Kyrandia, the Telltale/Deck13/Pendulo/Quantic Dreams crews and others).

I'd tell these people that they can make 100 point & click adventures with 2D graphics and that the overall costs of each game are limited to exactly $4.9 million.

As I'd know in advance that these games won't make any profit, I'd secretly keep the remaining $10 million.

Bill Gates? Apparently I make a new Halo game, I kid I kid.

Uhm I'd most likely I'd make a PS3 exclusive game that uses one of those fairly large blu-ray discs 100GB+ game cause the game I've told people I'd like to make is open world kinda like the thought behind GTA but my game you can be a crook, a officer, a baker, a taxi diver, etc. and with each job is kind of its own set of goals and mingames, but of course you also age, have kids, die and then continue through your kids, life if you die in the line of duty as a cop you have to start out with a kid. It's very expansive idea the next big thing since the sims ^_^

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

I would remake Final Fantasy VII just so I could save Aeris . . .

MaxwellGT2000 said:

Bill Gates? Apparently I make a new Halo game, I kid I kid.

Uhm I'd most likely I'd make a PS3 exclusive game that uses one of those fairly large blu-ray discs 100GB+ game cause the game I've told people I'd like to make is open world kinda like the thought behind GTA but my game you can be a crook, a officer, a baker, a taxi diver, etc. and with each job is kind of its own set of goals and mingames, but of course you also age, have kids, die and then continue through your kids, life if you die in the line of duty as a cop you have to start out with a kid. It's very expansive idea the next big thing since the sims ^_^

"On the PS1, you lived in your world and played in ours. Now, on the PS3, you can do both in our world!"

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Rainbird said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:

Bill Gates? Apparently I make a new Halo game, I kid I kid.

Uhm I'd most likely I'd make a PS3 exclusive game that uses one of those fairly large blu-ray discs 100GB+ game cause the game I've told people I'd like to make is open world kinda like the thought behind GTA but my game you can be a crook, a officer, a baker, a taxi diver, etc. and with each job is kind of its own set of goals and mingames, but of course you also age, have kids, die and then continue through your kids, life if you die in the line of duty as a cop you have to start out with a kid. It's very expansive idea the next big thing since the sims ^_^

"On the PS1, you lived in your world and played in ours. Now, on the PS3, you can do both in our world!"


Now you've got it!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

I would make KOTOR 3, 4, 5, etc.

I would fund the first game with $150 Million. Bioware would develop it, I'd get John Williams to compose an entirely new soundtrack for the game, get the best voice actors on the market, hire Timothy Zahn to write the story, and it would have Crysis-esque graphics, with Star Wars movie-esque CGI cutscenes(in fact, I'd might as well hire ILM for those).

I would buy back the rights to X-COM: UFO Defense, and hire back the original team to do whatever they wanted with the franchise.

I'd also pay Ubisoft to NOT make Beyond Good and Evil 2.

xbebop said:

I would make KOTOR 3, 4, 5, etc.

I would fund the first game with $150 Million. Bioware would develop it, I'd get John Williams to compose an entirely new soundtrack for the game, get the best voice actors on the market, hire Timothy Zahn to write the story, and it would have Crysis-esque graphics, with Star Wars movie-esque CGI cutscenes(in fact, I'd might as well hire ILM for those).

Replace Timothy Zahn with Chris Avellone and you'll be on to something great.

Id make a game like L4D but way better.


20 player online,All coop

Zombies are everywhere and they run at you.

Gameplay is like L4D,fast paced and what not.

Vehicles for sure,IE Tanks but they need gas and gas is scattered throught the city.

City is the size of GTA IV and fully explorable.

You can baracade your self in and hold out.

Special zombies such as Tanks,Smokers all come out at night.

Hunter (Being the Default average Zombie he is in l4d) comes out in day light.

You can customize Vehicles with barbwire and what not.

You can choose to aim down the gun sights for more accurate shooting,or just spray n pray (cause your always gonna be surrounded)

Fully customizeable Guns!,Ie Scopes,Nade Launcher,Silencers.

Customizeable character,with all types of suits,you can be like a Military man with KZ2 helghast helmet,up to 150 piece of clothing for each part of your body.

RPG characters,Ie if you pick Soldier you get better aiming and can run faster,and is stronger,Doctor is better at healing,Civilian is best at baracading.

Up to 2 AI bots can follow you can protect you at times when you want them to.

Zombies will die in 1-2 Shots like in L4D.