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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will PS3 outsell Xbox360 next month?

PS3 outsold Xbox360 when MGS4 was released. Next month will be released Killzone 2. Will ps3 outsell Xbox360 next month? two months? all the year maybe?

I say ps3 will outsell xbox360 just one week, maybe the last week of february or the first week of march.

Make your prediction.

I know... my english sucks

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LOL out sell it this whole year??? Doubt it....but it might outsell it when KZ2 release.

When KZ2 is released it will be a beautiful 2 weeks for sony, then it will go back to underdog. That's my theory :P

There is some chance.






I don't see why not, NA will be the defining battleground though.
I it manages to outsell it, it won't be by much, perhaps 15-20k units.
Should the European add campaign succeed it might be a hit first week and perhaps carry hardware up into the 250k region (worldwide).

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i think next month is the month of the PS3

The 360 will outsell the ps3 in February .

Really, I have no idea. For me Killzone 2 hardly seems much of a system seller, but for others, that seems to be the opposite. Given it appears advertising is going to be used, for a change, and some fairly decent advertising, too, maybe PS3 can pull ahead for a while? However, it will probably be short-lived due to the inhibitive nature of its RRP.

Last year 360 and PS3 came out pretty much equal, but that won't happen this year unless Sony are clever, and manage to balance the needs of their business (high price point) with the needs of the consumers (low price point).

being a ps3 owner i really dont care how it sells now and i suggest everyone else do the same

geddesmond2 said:
being a ps3 owner i really dont care how it sells now and i suggest everyone else do the same


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS