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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will PS3 outsell Xbox360 next month?

Halo Wars will come out and give the 360 a boost.

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the 27 is too late to do something significant, maybe if the launch was the 15 or earlier

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No because KZ2 is the last week of February. The question should be for March will PS3 outsell 360 which could be possible.

Halo Wars has more chance of bring new gamers into the fold than Killzone 2.

People might forget HW has a bundle in Europe and its HALO so its got america on lockdown.

Unlike the GTAIV scenario last year. I think The Killzone will shift more SW than HW but HW will get more consoles sold than Killzone.

IMO of course.


no. not a chance. Killzone 2 will be like all the other games that were supposed to be huge hardware pushers but ended up doing nothing

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if it does, it will not be until the first week in March.

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your prediction is right...

Halo wars and Killzone2 will not do any big boost to their consoles if in terms of PS3 outselling the 360 or 360 will double sales...


I don't think the people that are going to end up buying Killzone 2 are going to buy the PS3 right away. I think it will be undersold for awhile and then have good legs making the PS3 have bigger sales later on.

In my opinion the big effect wont kick in until a price cut or Christmas when people are looking kill aps on the PS3.

Oyvoyvoyv said:
geddesmond2 said:
being a ps3 owner i really dont care how it sells now and i suggest everyone else do the same



because it is still in early stages of release,has sold nearly 20 million consols and reguardless of what people say or think it is doing very well in a market that has room for 3 successful consols and all these doom and gloom threads are doing the games industry no good at all especially when its coming from the fanboys of consols who want to see the other consols fail(note im not saying this one is a fanboy thread im talkking about the 1000 other threads out there all across the web)killzone 2 will do wonders for the ps3.i know this because i have had xbox 360 owners ask me about the game which shows there interested but even if it doesnt do wonders well so what at least ps3 first person shooter fans get to play a great i dont care how it sells cas i still get to play it