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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will PS3 outsell Xbox360 next month?

geddesmond2 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
geddesmond2 said:
being a ps3 owner i really dont care how it sells now and i suggest everyone else do the same



because it is still in early stages of release,has sold nearly 20 million consols and reguardless of what people say or think it is doing very well in a market that has room for 3 successful consols and all these doom and gloom threads are doing the games industry no good at all especially when its coming from the fanboys of consols who want to see the other consols fail(note im not saying this one is a fanboy thread im talkking about the 1000 other threads out there all across the web)killzone 2 will do wonders for the ps3.i know this because i have had xbox 360 owners ask me about the game which shows there interested but even if it doesnt do wonders well so what at least ps3 first person shooter fans get to play a great i dont care how it sells cas i still get to play it


When you're saying that Killzone 2 will do wonders for the Ps3, you lose a lot of your credibility. Sure, it should sell a couple of million, but do you seriously think it will push the Ps3 up to X360 levels (current X360 levels) in the long run? I sincerely doubt that.

Also, your anedoctal data means very little.


I'm fine by you don't caring about sales. I'm fine by you thinking that I'm an idiot because I find video game sales interesting. I am, however, not fine by you telling me not to care about video game sales, when you obviously see that it's something I find to be entertaining.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Oyvoyvoyv said:
geddesmond2 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
geddesmond2 said:
being a ps3 owner i really dont care how it sells now and i suggest everyone else do the same



because it is still in early stages of release,has sold nearly 20 million consols and reguardless of what people say or think it is doing very well in a market that has room for 3 successful consols and all these doom and gloom threads are doing the games industry no good at all especially when its coming from the fanboys of consols who want to see the other consols fail(note im not saying this one is a fanboy thread im talkking about the 1000 other threads out there all across the web)killzone 2 will do wonders for the ps3.i know this because i have had xbox 360 owners ask me about the game which shows there interested but even if it doesnt do wonders well so what at least ps3 first person shooter fans get to play a great i dont care how it sells cas i still get to play it


When you're saying that Killzone 2 will do wonders for the Ps3, you lose a lot of your credibility. Sure, it should sell a couple of million, but do you seriously think it will push the Ps3 up to X360 levels (current X360 levels) in the long run? I sincerely doubt that.

Also, your anedoctal data means very little.


I'm fine by you don't caring about sales. I'm fine by you thinking that I'm an idiot because I find video game sales interesting. I am, however, not fine by you telling me not to care about video game sales, when you obviously see that it's something I find to be entertaining.


wow hold up a minute i said it would do wonders for the ps3 not bring it up to xboxs level cas theres still some time before that can be achieved.never once have i called anyone an idiot and i dont know where you got that impression simpley stating that people are getting worried from all these sales threads about the ps3 and im suggesting that people stop caring about the sales because threads like these affect the sales.if you want something to do good then back away from it and let it do what it does instead of making threads about it selling bad or will it sell bad because yous aint giving it a chance.create threads after a game doesnt sell well or if it does sell well about why you think it sold like that


Hard to tell.

But for me the HD-market in NA seems to be in MS-hands so far. Especially the shooter-loving crowd found its home on the Xbox360.

  • Halo 3 sold 6.5 million units just in NA (Try to compare this with a PS3-Userbase of 7.69 million in NA)
  • Gears of War sold 3.81 million units in NA
  • Gears of War 2 sold almost 3 million units in NA
  • Even Left 4 Dead sold 1.22 million units in NA

That is just the exlcusive side.

  • Call of Duty 4 sold almost 5 million on the Xbox360 in NA
  • Call of Duty 5 3.3 million on the Xbox360 in NA
  • Bioshock sold 1.4 million on the Xbox360 in NA

That is the multiplat side.

To me this looks like the shooter-loving crowd made their choice.

It is almost certain that Killzone2 won't be a system seller in Japan. So this means it is all about Europe. This game needs to push 40k consoles to equal the European sales of the PS3 and the Xbox360 and another 20k systems to equal the worldwide sales. Of course this excludes the number of consoles Star Ocean might move in Japan (estimated extra sales of 10k at least) and NA (hard to say, if any, besides Seraphic_Sixaxis) And there is the Halo bundle coming out in Europe (Halo3 + Halo Wars + 60GB Xbox360) It remains to be seen if this one could move additional hardware.

Might be fun to watch.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

the 360 will outsell the PS3 overall in both February and March. Two reasons :

1/ The Halo pack is really attractive.

2/ I really doubt KZ2's as a system seller. I don't see how it would attract many
- either Sony friendlies (anti-fps culture)
- nor fps friendlies (who would prefer X360).

God i hate fanboys, almost as much as they hate facts


“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea” Antoine de St-Exupery

  +2Q  -2N  (to be read in french)

I really don't think KZ2 will be a system seller, there may be a 10% rise for the launch week, but other than that it will just be a minor blip on the system. Even GTA4's release didn't have much of a hardware impact for either system

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

Around the Network
geddesmond2 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
geddesmond2 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
geddesmond2 said:
being a ps3 owner i really dont care how it sells now and i suggest everyone else do the same



because it is still in early stages of release,has sold nearly 20 million consols and reguardless of what people say or think it is doing very well in a market that has room for 3 successful consols and all these doom and gloom threads are doing the games industry no good at all especially when its coming from the fanboys of consols who want to see the other consols fail(note im not saying this one is a fanboy thread im talkking about the 1000 other threads out there all across the web)killzone 2 will do wonders for the ps3.i know this because i have had xbox 360 owners ask me about the game which shows there interested but even if it doesnt do wonders well so what at least ps3 first person shooter fans get to play a great i dont care how it sells cas i still get to play it


When you're saying that Killzone 2 will do wonders for the Ps3, you lose a lot of your credibility. Sure, it should sell a couple of million, but do you seriously think it will push the Ps3 up to X360 levels (current X360 levels) in the long run? I sincerely doubt that.

Also, your anedoctal data means very little.


I'm fine by you don't caring about sales. I'm fine by you thinking that I'm an idiot because I find video game sales interesting. I am, however, not fine by you telling me not to care about video game sales, when you obviously see that it's something I find to be entertaining.


wow hold up a minute i said it would do wonders for the ps3 not bring it up to xboxs level cas theres still some time before that can be achieved.never once have i called anyone an idiot and i dont know where you got that impression simpley stating that people are getting worried from all these sales threads about the ps3 and im suggesting that people stop caring about the sales because threads like these affect the sales.if you want something to do good then back away from it and let it do what it does instead of making threads about it selling bad or will it sell bad because yous aint giving it a chance.create threads after a game doesnt sell well or if it does sell well about why you think it sold like that


No offense, but could you capitalize and split up your replies? It's really annoying.


Also, we're doing this because we enjoy it. VGChartz is fun (at least to most people).

If all you're going to do is complain about people stating things you disagree with (rather than discussing), then I have no interest in talking to you. Good day.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Two, three weeks maybe...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

y r some of you making it seem as if the 360 is still outselling the PS3 by a huge margin, its not. The PS3 has locked itself ata steady 8mill behind, meaning PS3 and 360 are currently selling about the same. now i dont think the PS3 increase will b HUGE. especially seeing asKZ2 comes at the END of the month. come last weeks of FEB and into march we will see the increase. maybe JUST enough to outsell 360 for the month of March.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
y r some of you making it seem as if the 360 is still outselling the PS3 by a huge margin, its not. The PS3 has locked itself ata steady 8mill behind, meaning PS3 and 360 are currently selling about the same. now i dont think the PS3 increase will b HUGE. especially seeing asKZ2 comes at the END of the month. come last weeks of FEB and into march we will see the increase. maybe JUST enough to outsell 360 for the month of March.

55k is a pretty big margin for this time of year x 4 (a month) thats 220k.


Its not going to be 8 million forever ..



I don't think KZ2 will move that many consoles. It's just not that mainstream, it won't be able to move units like MGS4 did. I'd say the PS3 will beat 360 on week of KZ2 release, and thats it.

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