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Forums - Sony Discussion - Something surprising in the NA software Sales

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HOLY HELL!!!ppl are expecting "PERFECTION" out of fps genre now maybe because there are tons of FPS games and ppl are sick of seeing the same thing over and over again...unlike the other genre if lets say a game is an strategy game and it gets an 8/10 ppl tend to really like it.

I personally really liked Resistance 2, i mean the first one was a bit more interesting and fun but i felt like it progressed the game and Story nicely, the sales for this game will warrant a 3rd to be made (if there is one planned, i hope there is anyway)

Here in the EU (UK specifically) i have not seen a single R2 advert at all, there is the odd LBP one but that is about it... And Sony wonder why the PS3 is slowing in momentum, it is partially due to lack of advertising, also more obviously due to the price!

Here's hoping that with Killzone 2's advertising campaign in the UK alone being over £2 million, this is a new turn for Sony to get back into gear with their product pushing!

socom has crazy followers,,, they don't care how good/bad the game is,,,they play it and defend it like it's their religion.

socom fan boys are the worst XD.just go to gametrialers forum and say socom isn't good.



but to be fair the game is extremly tactical and includes team work.that means not many games are available to fan of that genre.




People were expecting too much from Resistance 2. It's a very good shooter, and a very good game. The campaign is mediocre, the competitive is pretty good, but the co-op is the star of the show.

It's definitely worth a purchase. KZ2 doesn't come out for a few weeks, but if you have to choose one or the other, I think the decision is obvious.

KZ2 FTW! (Sorry off topic )

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Because the game was 60 dollars and it was bundled with a 50 dollar headset, making it a 10 dollar game like Wii Play. The fact that it isn't selling millions is a testament to Sony's poor marketing.



Wow, I never would have guessed that as well. I guess the resistance franchise isn't a huge one yet.

Socom was a $40 or $60 with a $50 headset. Socom has been on the market longer. Socom is a Socom game.

I thought the Resistance 2 campaign was above average for a next-gen FPS, and the coop was one of the 2 best online experiences in 2008.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



But atleast on the internet i think Restitance 2 had much more hype then Socom.. so it is atleast surprising for me.

wonder how many downloads it got