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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii's next AAA game (90%)? Which will it be?

Baddman said:

Sin and Punishment 2 can't believe it hasn't been said yet


 I mentioned it before.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

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You losers still play AAA games? Real gamers, such as myself, only play AAAA games.

Get with the program.

I see a whole bunch of games in the 80s range, not so much the 90s.

Viper1 said:
Nets535 said:
You fanboys are pathetic. Monster Hunter 3 - For certain? Lol.

The Conduit is a nice FPS for Nintendo-only players because they haven't played AAA status ones like COD4. The Conduit is a generic FPS, but it has a lot going for it at the same time. I doubt a 90%.

Deadly Creatures...No. Neither Fatal Frame.

Punch Out, and Madworld are the only ones left with potential for AAA status. I have high hopes for MadWorld, should be an awesome game.

I take a personal insult to your insinuation that I'm a fanboy. If you are not as certain of the AAA status of Monster Hunter 3 as I am, that's fine but in no way does that entitle you to such allegements.


I don't think you are fully aware fo the production values and hype forming around MH3. Perhaps you are and you're disregarding it based on previous Monster Hunter game sales in your territory.



I also think your fanboy claim was a little uncalled for.


I believe Sin and Punishment 2 can pull a suprise upset.

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
Nothing currently announced has much of a chance at AAA, MadWorld being the only exception.


I agree with this, but really, who cares about 1 AAA game if you have a bunch of really good games?

I belive than The conduits its just an average game, hyped only because its in the wii, maybe 85 on metacritics but no more. At least in the scores, any monster hunter game have been AAA, so i doubt it.

If there is another zelda, that will be, if not, i really dont see any game like a AAA

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sadly there arent many games that might make it.
games that should make it? there's going to be quite a lot this year, but as long as the world stays biased, we sadly cant get it

Pawnch Out

It's just that simple.

lulz, Wii fanboys screaming bias. If it makes you feel better...