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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which companies(any company related to gaming) do you dislike/hate?

MrBubbles said:
Groucho said:
MrBubbles said:
because sony isnt egotistical or anything? they didnt have someone say they would rather be killed than have a xbox360 game on their system...?

I could care less, personally if a company is egotistical with their PR.  They all are, to a downright stupid degree.  I only care about what actually matters to me, as a gamer.  I don't care about press fluff I can ignore at will.



my comment was directed towards superbeast.   who claims he supports sony 100% but hates microsoft for being egotistical.

Ah.  I totally agree.  Hating Sony, MS, or Nintendo for their PR stunts is pointless.  Its what they deliver to the consumer that really matters, isn't it?


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I don't hate any of them in general just 90% of the PR guys for all company's I hate. ^_^

Former something....

1. Sega - Give up already! You got your ass kicked out of the console market and now all you make are shitty sonic games and other sad attempts at software. The only success they've had is the Genesis (no thanks to the Sega CD or 32x).

2. Epic games - Gears of War is shit. Yeah its kind of cool with chainsaws and all but its got terrible controls, the online sucks, and the games get boring fast. Unreal Tournament is okay but Gears is shit. The Unreal engine is good though I'll give them that.

3. Team ICO - I never played Shadow of the Colossus but I know for a fact ICO was terrible. People on this site are so psyched about a possible new team ICO game but I can almost guarantee it will be a commercial failure like ICO and SoTC.

4. Travellers's Tales A.K.A. the guy's responsible for the abomination called Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex. If you asked me, there hasn't been a real Crash Bandicoot game since 1999 when Naughty Dog made Crash Team Racing. Although I'll admit Crash Bash (2000) was okay

MrBubbles said:
Groucho said:
MrBubbles said:
because sony isnt egotistical or anything? they didnt have someone say they would rather be killed than have a xbox360 game on their system...?

I could care less, personally if a company is egotistical with their PR.  They all are, to a downright stupid degree.  I only care about what actually matters to me, as a gamer.  I don't care about press fluff I can ignore at will.



my comment was directed towards superbeast.   who claims he supports sony 100% but hates microsoft for being egotistical.


 well... Sony, Atlus, and Nintendo.

I hate Sony cause of their cockiness with the point where I hate Sony in all respects (tvs, electronics, movies, tv).

plz dont mod me. I simply gave a response to the topic at hand.

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Hammer-of-Dawn said:
I hate Sony cause of their cockiness with the point where I hate Sony in all respects (tvs, electronics, movies, tv).

plz dont mod me. I simply gave a response to the topic at hand.


 well, we're all about opinions. but why do you hate their TVs? Bravia is awesome.

I have no companies I hate. There are just companies I care about and companies I dont.

Activision is the only company that really bothers me. I like Guitar Hero but they are company that really milks their franchises. Do they need to release a separate boxed version of GH: Aerosmith or Metallica?

Tony Hawk is another franchise that they drove into the ground. If Skate didn't come out to shake things up they would just be releasing the same crap year after year. You can also expect a new Spiderman and James Bond game every frickin year too. CoD is really their only consistent franchise that deserves praise.

Now Activision is going to destroy Blizzard by releasing 3 version of Starcraft 2. I really don't like Activision.

I really do not like Capcom and Tecmo.

I really can't think of the last Capcom game I've actually enjoyed.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Signalstar said:
Groucho said:
Signalstar said:
I dont hate any gaming company because I am normal and dont harbor grudges against corporations that do nothing to me.

Walmart should die though.

Hmm Walmart wronged you, Signalstar?



Personally no but if left unchecked they will consume the world. Its just superstition based on a book I read a while ago.
