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1. Sega - Give up already! You got your ass kicked out of the console market and now all you make are shitty sonic games and other sad attempts at software. The only success they've had is the Genesis (no thanks to the Sega CD or 32x).

2. Epic games - Gears of War is shit. Yeah its kind of cool with chainsaws and all but its got terrible controls, the online sucks, and the games get boring fast. Unreal Tournament is okay but Gears is shit. The Unreal engine is good though I'll give them that.

3. Team ICO - I never played Shadow of the Colossus but I know for a fact ICO was terrible. People on this site are so psyched about a possible new team ICO game but I can almost guarantee it will be a commercial failure like ICO and SoTC.

4. Travellers's Tales A.K.A. the guy's responsible for the abomination called Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex. If you asked me, there hasn't been a real Crash Bandicoot game since 1999 when Naughty Dog made Crash Team Racing. Although I'll admit Crash Bash (2000) was okay