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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The official RE5 Demo impressions thread

I stopped playing demos a long time ago. I think the last one I played was DMC4, which was actually a pretty damned good demo. Then I remembered every demo previous to that...

Then I heard Yahtzee agree that demos are a crap way to judge a game and felt slightly vindicated in my opinion.

I'll buy RE5 when it comes out. The only demo that made me wet my pants in anticipation was BioShock. Jesus-fucking-Christ, that was amazing. Unfortunately, the game let me down the last 1/3rd of play but damn, that demo drew me in for the first six hours or so.

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"Unfortunately, the game let me down the last 1/3rd"

I´ve heard a fair number of people say that about Bioshock...never played the game myself, so what happens?...gets repetitive?

Played co-op last night. Offline.

Thought it was excellent.

Can't wait for this badboy now!

I played the demo again last night and cleared both stages. That Chainsaw guy took forever to drop. I mean I blew up the explosive barrels, punched the hell out him, shot him in the head. That's one tough bastard.

Darc Requiem said:
I played the demo again last night and cleared both stages. That Chainsaw guy took forever to drop. I mean I blew up the explosive barrels, punched the hell out him, shot him in the head. That's one tough bastard.


Try shooting down the electrical box from the power line right by the stairs he comes down--indestructible explosive barrel ftw

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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I played the demo again last night with my cousin, very fun and I can't wait to play co-op when I buy this game.

Does anyone else here think RE5 feels very different to the earlier games? it feels more like GOW to me unless I need to play it a bit more?,

Resident Evil games used to be about exploring rooms and areas in that cool 3d view then almost crapping your pants when things jump out, RE5 feels more like a gears game to me and not very scary?!

theres a few things I hate

1. The Aiming - Whats with the laser sight being your aimer? And when the laser isn't pointed at something dark (say the sky) you can't see where it is! Crosshairs work just fine.

2a. The Controls are bad. To shoot you have to hold LT and then press RT. It sounds fine but when theres a zombie 2 feet away from you your instinct is to just press RT to shoot him like hipfiring in CoD4 but it doesn't work!

2b. The other control problem is your knife. You have to hold LB to get the knife out then RT to use it. Sounds fine right. Whats could be wrong about that? Well I'll tell you. When your holding LB with you knife out YOU CAN'T MOVE!! why the fuck not? So what you have to do is go right up against them, stop, hold LB, and then you can knife them. You can't get your knife out, walk up and then use it. Its Bull Shit!

3. I know its just the demo but theres not enough ammo. Quite often you pick up pistol ammo in random spots, but theres no fucking ammo for your other gun. I've had a shotgun and you get 6 shots, an MP5 and I got something like 50 shots, and theres no ammo for these bigger guns. Only pistol ammo. And not enough of it. Do they think it makes the game harder when you have to conserve ammo like its a wartime ration? No it just makes it fucking unfair!

There are some good things though. The graphics are nice, its cool when the option comes up to do a special attack like a huge punch or kick. Its a pretty good game the zombies are fun to kill. Its annoying how when a zombie gets near you you have to shake it off by rotating the LS. That gets annoying fast considering how often they get to you unless your a master.

Overall its not a bad game, but I'd only give the demo a 6/10

@coolestguyever: There's rifle ammo, shotgun ammo and machine gun ammo in the game, I definitely remember seeing shotgun ammo near the gate in the first stage.. I don't think lack of ammo is a problem.

I agree with your complaints regarding controls, but the aiming works fine I think (and I like the laser sight, easy to see and works fine IMO).

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

A thought about the difficulty of the game: I very much doubt that the final game will start you off with a shotgun and a sniper rifle. All the previous entries in the series give you a pistol, an extra clip, and maybe an herb. Losing the power weapons would drastically increase the difficulty of Public Assembly.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."