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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is there going to be a problem with the Killzone 2 reviews, can we trust?


it got the 9/10 from some blog if I remember correctly

the first review was the EGM one where it got a 4

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Squilliam said:

It seems completely out of order that the reviews are coming in now, fully a month ahead of schedule. Now I know this is an excellent game, but are Sony manipulating the review process by allowing sites with favourable reviews to release wayyy early and thus put pressure on other sites who want to be in on the scoop as well?

I am suspicious of the events as they are unfolding, this is completely out of line with the majority if not almost every single other game that has been released to date.

So what do you think? Is there a little underhanded craftyness going on here?


So Halo getting 9/10 & 10/10's across the board wasn't suspicous but because it's a Sony game in question there must be some foul play.

Squilliam said:

It seems completely out of order that the reviews are coming in now, fully a month ahead of schedule. Now I know this is an excellent game, but are Sony manipulating the review process by allowing sites with favourable reviews to release wayyy early and thus put pressure on other sites who want to be in on the scoop as well?

I am suspicious of the events as they are unfolding, this is completely out of line with the majority if not almost every single other game that has been released to date.

So what do you think? Is there a little underhanded craftyness going on here?


you're a hack. 

1.  They could have released this game during the holiday season.  It's been done for awhile, but they gave R2 space and kept tuning it.  Should they not give their OFFICIAL magazines some freaking exclusives?  Those magazines have been quite fair so far, btw.  Warhawk was killed in PSM/OPM by the freaking Editor in Chief in (I believe) his first issue after Chris Slate left.

2.  Everyone knows that publishers rarely allow bad reviews to go out early.  Everyone tries to manipulate aggragate sites.

3.  You are "suspicious" because it's a big PS3 game.  This is not out of line; reviews often come out this early and you know it, especially for games as big as this.

4.  The underhanded craftyness is all from you.

I don't think that this is shady at all. In fact, I think that by giving reviewers the game that early and saying go ahead and review it, is going to give an even better idea of how good the game is. Thanks to all the time allowed, the big sites that will wait tell the last minute to post reviews will have had a lot of time with the game. This will give them a better feel for just how good the game is. If IGN, Gmaespot, and 1up are still happy enough with the game come Febuary 20th or so, then that is really saying something.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


As long as we don't see GTAIV type of reviews I don't see any issue.
Beta players were positive about the game (which is not Sony-bias, since they weren't about Resistance 2) and the game DOES look great.

Hype will, unfortunately, play a role in a lot of reviews, but that's not a Sony-thing. That happens for Gears, Halo, Mario and Zelda as well.

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I think it's a new scary trend that could take over in our future. Tomb Raider tried to get away with it. Prince of Persia did it quite successfully. Now Killzone 2, maybe. Based off previews I think it's going to score well anyway. It's just that 1 review that we know got pulled that triggers thoughts of foul play.

It's not that long to wait though. I feel sorry for the first site to publish a bad review of KZ2. They are going to have armies marching to their gates to take em down.

CGI-Quality said:
I agree with those who say that the naysayers/haters are complaining because it's a Playstation 3 game. I highly doubt if this title was on ANY other console you guys would be saying this crap.

Regardless, this doesn't suprise me, it seems like every PS3 exclusive causes controversy. It's as if you guys just want Sony/PS3 to fail, but now that I think about it, WHO CARES! It's only you guys who will be missing out on a great game. While Playstation fans are enjoying a great title, you guys will be running around looking for excuses to keep trashing it. Well, have fun. I said this before, there will continue to be excuses if this game continues to recieve positive reviews. 1st it was graphics - that one failed. Then it was reviews - naysayers failed there too. What's next?

It's endless but funny at the same time - PS3 fans are praising their games and others seem to be mad at that, it's actually quite tragic that people are so involved with bashing Sony but yet Sony seems to be providing their fanbase with awesome titles: LBP, Killzone 2, MGS4 (yes, by Konami I know but still Sony did their part), Uncharted, Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm, Siren BC, Wipeout and then other great PS3 exclusives like Disgaea 3, Valkyria Chronicles ...etc. The way I see it, Sony fans should continue hyping their games, it keeps the industry alive when fans want more and more and that's a GOOD thing!

Every reviewer that didnt give LBP was either biased or paid by MS so dont go there,oh dont forget its not a credible source.


Jeez people, character assassination is so awesome. I was a beta user too, and I said that it was an awesome game. What I question is the fact that the review embargo ends so soon. The real question is WHY are the reviews coming out so early?

I don't have a problem with the game receiving high reviews, I want it to because that justifys the position I had from playing the beta. I don't want to consider the reviews tainted, but the timing makes them feel that way to me. The questions I have are in regard to the timing of the releases, it seems if they want to have a hand in the review process the situation they have contrived seems ideal to do so.

I know that Publishers get their hands dirty with reviewers all the time, its common industry practice. The thing is, this time it stands out even more.



to be fair we have given Halo 3 loads of crap for paid reviews back in 07

but now SONY hardly has money....they aren't going to spend money to buy reviews instead of making sure the game is polished

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

to be fair we have given Halo 3 loads of crap for paid reviews back in 07

but now SONY hardly has money....they aren't going to spend money to buy reviews instead of making sure the game is polished

Oh yea this game is looking NICE!! They polished the hell out of this game! The wall shadows look 40% better.