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CGI-Quality said:
I agree with those who say that the naysayers/haters are complaining because it's a Playstation 3 game. I highly doubt if this title was on ANY other console you guys would be saying this crap.

Regardless, this doesn't suprise me, it seems like every PS3 exclusive causes controversy. It's as if you guys just want Sony/PS3 to fail, but now that I think about it, WHO CARES! It's only you guys who will be missing out on a great game. While Playstation fans are enjoying a great title, you guys will be running around looking for excuses to keep trashing it. Well, have fun. I said this before, there will continue to be excuses if this game continues to recieve positive reviews. 1st it was graphics - that one failed. Then it was reviews - naysayers failed there too. What's next?

It's endless but funny at the same time - PS3 fans are praising their games and others seem to be mad at that, it's actually quite tragic that people are so involved with bashing Sony but yet Sony seems to be providing their fanbase with awesome titles: LBP, Killzone 2, MGS4 (yes, by Konami I know but still Sony did their part), Uncharted, Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm, Siren BC, Wipeout and then other great PS3 exclusives like Disgaea 3, Valkyria Chronicles ...etc. The way I see it, Sony fans should continue hyping their games, it keeps the industry alive when fans want more and more and that's a GOOD thing!

Every reviewer that didnt give LBP was either biased or paid by MS so dont go there,oh dont forget its not a credible source.