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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Call of duty Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?

I'd buy it, assuming it had all REAL local multiplayer and all the modes the 360 and PS3 version have. I'm so sick of WW2 shooters I could barf.


I'd imagine they would give the go for a Wii version, COD:WAW will more than likely sell 1 million while still at the full $50 price tag.

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So, its confirmed?

deathgod33 said:
dont know what that means, but after looking at world at war's sales on wii, i wouldnt bet much on MF2 going to wii.


Yea, CoD:WaW sales on Wii were just PATHETIC!

(Predicted on 5/31/11) END of 2011 Sales - Xbox 360 = 62M;  PS3 = 59M;  Wii = 97M

Zomb1337, COD5 sales on wii still slow, BUT STILL, just like Wiimusic had a "pathetic" beggining. As example, No more heroes 2 have less sales than COD5, but will have a second part. And treyarch/infinite ward are working on the same engine, thats mean less work.

And I must talk added this: Treyarch was working too in Spiderman Web of Shadows for many systems, and Quantum of Solace for multiple systems too, meanwhile Infinite Ward it´s just working on multiplatform COD6 maybe from 2007, this means they have the needed workhand to make the WII version, because they work exclusively on this game.

It is wishful thinking.