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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Call of duty Modern Warfare 2 on Wii?

Well WaW is already profitable on Wii and still selling strongly so why wouldn't they?


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If they don't make a version for Wii they're idiots.

coolestguyever said:
nah its not coming. If Modern Warfare 1 didn't, why would 2?


1. Because the engine is running on the Wii now.

2. Because more money is better than just money.

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Blackbird3216: that´s an official confirmation.

Deathgod33, actually COD5 it´s between Wii´s top10actually, it´s a good reason.

SHMUPGURUS, COOLESTGUYEVER: it´s an official confirmation, Infinite ward it´s gonna make it, Activision don´t care if They want or not to do it.

SETHNINTENDO, HYPERION, remenber this won´t be a port, Frontlines was really the last for PS2 (and was very low quality compared Wii version).

AJHABFAN: treyarch nor infinite ward haven´t worked on DS versions, i can´t remenber the company name, but was a parallel work, and very good for COD5.

And my opinion: Activision bosses are specting a good increase of FPS public on WII, thanks to The Conduit, obviusly they want a piece of he cake, and COD 5 just showed up FPS can make it on WII, it´s question of have a little more.

I hope not, No flood of FPS's on my Wii please, My PS3 get's enough of those and it's not even an Xbox360.

Heck even Saints Row is pretty much a shooter. V_V Granted I never played one, guess it's time to play some kirby.

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coolestguyever said:
nah its not coming. If Modern Warfare 1 didn't, why would 2?


cause it would be silly to not produce a version for the highest selling platform of this gen

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Dont know.......dont want.......dont care.

YesWiiCan said:
If they don't make a version for Wii they're idiots.


Not necessarily.  Just beacuse something is profitable does not mean it's automatically the best option.  ROI might be much greater for somthing else.


Personally I think it will happen just because of the economic situation, but it's not guaranteed.

coolestguyever said:
nah its not coming. If Modern Warfare 1 didn't, why would 2?

The Call of Duty 4 game engine was not ready in time for a Wii version of CoD4.   It was finalized in time for CoD: WaW and would be pointless to develop a Wii version of a specific game series game engine and use it on only two games (CoD: WaW and QoS).


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If it does come too Wii, I'll buy it even though I'm not big on shooters.