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Forums - Sony Discussion - Dear Internet: Quit Overhyping Killzone 2

@ OkeyDokey )

yea, that coincides with my observation

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V-r0cK said:

This is lame.. talk about overhyped, Halo 3 was internet, tv, food hype etc!! I didnt want to order at pizza hut or buy a mountain dew cuz they had freakin Master Cheif face on it! now thats overhyped! unless you're bias and only allow selected games of your choosing to be overhyped.

That's not hype.


It is overhyped... I don't see it getting 10 across the board..
The first killzone was only decent(and nauseating to play), and a lot of money was thrown at the sequel to make it good. It's turning out to be, but that doesn't mean it's amazing.



I agree with the author. Killzone is getting a lot of hype. Please 360 fans stop starting threads about Killzone. Your negative threads force PS3 fans to defend the game.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Deneidez said:
windbane said:
KylieDog said:
I've said it before I'll say it again. It is a bog standard shooter and its main selling point seems to be graphics. Graphics don't make a game.

You played it?

Have you? Only thing we know is that it has some bad ass graphics. Btw, have every single fanboy played it? I guess so, at least in their dreams... uhm, make it wetty daydreams about girls Killzone 2. How else they can say that this game will be HUGE!!


Yes, in fact I did play it, probably 100-150 hours. I finished in the top 5 in the beta, and that wasn't because I didn't enjoy it.  I knew nothing about the KZ franchize before, and in fact waited about a week to start playing it because I was in the R2 beta as well.  I plan to preorder KZ2, though, and I expect most people on my friends list to have it.

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Like I was saying before, I see more XBox and Wii fans getting worked up about this game than anyone else. What is even better is those saying it is hyped in terms of sales, is it not possible to have something NOT sales related? Is it not possible to hype something in terms of quality? I see more people saying "This game is going to be awesome" than "This game is going to sell 10M copies". I see more threads about the gameplay quality, graphics, etc... than sales threads for the game.

Who knows, maybe I am just looking at a different than some others.

This game has lived up to expectations in terms of the E3 2005 trailer and now those who refuse to eat crow are trying to downplay the game. If it was the other way around and it didn't live up to the E3 2005 trailer we would have threads like "KZ2 overhyped, didn't live up to expectations", so honestly either way we were expecting crap like this.

Makes me think back to 2007. Halo 3 hype, I mean HUGE HYPE, mild hype for Mass Effect, same for Bioshock. If I remember correctly this was the same time we had to read "Best Holiday Lineup in Gaming History" all over the damn place. Did it let up? Of course not, people kept riding it all the way up to each games release date and for some, even beyond that point. Strange to see how quickly some forget this.

Once again I ask this. Why was it perfectly ok then, or even ok for Gears of War and Gears of War 2 but so wrong for Killzone 2? Looks to me like more hypocrisy to be perfectly honest.

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mesoteto said:
i agree its getting to much hype, it will never live up to the level its being placed at ...i see another possible lair


heh, except for the fact that KZ2 already has a review 10 points higher than any reviewer gave Lair.  I'm going to start comparing every hyped game on the other systems to Too Human or Wii Music...maybe Red Steel instead?  I'll work on that.

KZ2 will be rated in the 90s because of graphics alone (something I complained about with Gears).  The good thing is that the multiplayer is top notch and from all reports the single player is very good as well.

^hey i think they are all over hyped, its to the point i know laugh at fanboys trying to preach to me the games as second coming of Christ

and its proven fact after a certain point nothing can ever live up to the pedestal we place it on

ohh sure we can lie and say it fills some void, but no mater how great the game will be the hole we dug for it to fill will always out match it and wwe we sit alone in our rooms we will say, man tis is great but that one part look a little odd, hey thats cool but it should have been

That old saying reach for the stars so that even if you fall short you will still be out of this world….yeah it’s a load of crap b/c any way you slice it you will still hae failed and will still be disappointed with the end result

If I were a diehard sony fan the best thing that could happen to this game is for it to get some tv time but cut the throat of any fanboy preaching its divine level of greatness….if only b/c when it does come out and does have a flaw (b/c every game ever made has them) the majority of people that rushed to get it will not feel as let down and will want another one


the game is getting so much hype because there are so many people that have played it and loved it. I have missed it greatly and anticipate it's return to my PS3. There's a big difference in hyping up a game you want to be good and missing a game that you know is good.

windbane said:
mesoteto said:
i agree its getting to much hype, it will never live up to the level its being placed at ...i see another possible lair


heh, except for the fact that KZ2 already has a review 10 points higher than any reviewer gave Lair.  I'm going to start comparing every hyped game on the other systems to Too Human or Wii Music...maybe Red Steel instead?  I'll work on that.

KZ2 will be rated in the 90s because of graphics alone (something I complained about with Gears).  The good thing is that the multiplayer is top notch and from all reports the single player is very good as well.


how about you lower the SDF flag and let me explain, I did not mean in the quality factor, I ment thatKZ is going to be placed so high out o reach that it will never hope to achieve what the fanbase is painting it at, and b/c of this the game will be pulled to shreads for any little blip it might have by the rest of the world