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^hey i think they are all over hyped, its to the point i know laugh at fanboys trying to preach to me the games as second coming of Christ

and its proven fact after a certain point nothing can ever live up to the pedestal we place it on

ohh sure we can lie and say it fills some void, but no mater how great the game will be the hole we dug for it to fill will always out match it and wwe we sit alone in our rooms we will say, man tis is great but that one part look a little odd, hey thats cool but it should have been

That old saying reach for the stars so that even if you fall short you will still be out of this world….yeah it’s a load of crap b/c any way you slice it you will still hae failed and will still be disappointed with the end result

If I were a diehard sony fan the best thing that could happen to this game is for it to get some tv time but cut the throat of any fanboy preaching its divine level of greatness….if only b/c when it does come out and does have a flaw (b/c every game ever made has them) the majority of people that rushed to get it will not feel as let down and will want another one