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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Valkyria Chronicles or Resistance 2 or Fallout 3?????

I personally would get VC and Fallout 3 , they are both amazing RPG's (and i am a huge RPG fan). VC looks like one of the best SRPG's made in last few years, and Fallout 3 is arleady a classic.

I wouldnt get R2 cause im not that big fan of shooters. If you prefer Rpg's over shooters get VC and Fallout, you can always get resistance later.

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If you're only going to get two of the three, then I'd say Fallout 3 and Valkyria.

Fallout 3 is GOTY material. It is an absolutely engrossing RPG that you can sink 50 hours in, then happily restart and sink another 50 playing the same game a different way. I have played this more than any other game on my PS3.

VC is a solid title and beautifully executed. Now, I'm not personally a huge fan of this one because I've just never been able to wrap my head around the "girl with the pom-pom hair and the mini-skirt firing an AK-47" JRPG character design thing going on here, but it is a good game if you can suspend your disbelief (you'll need a crane).

R2 is the one that I think is least pressing to own, because it'll likely go to a $29.99 greatest hits repackage ahead of the other two, and it'll be obsoleted in two months by Killzone 2.

fulcizombie said:
fallout 3


 don't listen to this guy he hates everything sony and would never recommend a ps3 exclusive game... notice he chose the only multiplat?

I'd also recommend you reading the reasons people give on each game rather than looking at the most listed. Maybe you will find similar tastes in peoples opinions...

I agree with Res 2 single player being the weakest part and expected more from Insomniac. But I only had 2 problem, the invisible monsters and the story was too quick and not even content.

Still waiting on a New Road Rash and Legend of Dragoon 2...

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Valkyria Chronicles


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Valkyria then Resistance 2 then Fallout 3

I hate to do this, but here are the IGN and Gamespot scores:

R2: 9.5 and 9.0
VC: 9.0 and 8.5
FO3: 9.4 and 8.5

R2 is the clear winner based on this, with Fallout 3 second. However, review scores are not an absolute judge of quality, they are advice. Pick the genres you like, R2 for FPS (the campaign doesn't suck at all, but it's not as good as many other FPS games, the multiplayer makes up for it), VC for Turn Based Strategy, Fallout 3 for RPG.

Again, I would personally go for R2 and VC, but nobody knows your gaming tastes better than you do. All are excellent games, among the best on the system, and don't throw metascores at me, because they bounce off my sig.

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