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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS360 pads will die?

One_touch_KO said:
leo-j said:
Sony already joined the motion generation lolz

You can consider sixaxis such a motion control pad as you can consider wii play an hardcore game.


Its funny because its true.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
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..Maybe, ''wii'' has marked the trend to continue on the thits hand.

One_touch_KO said:
leo-j said:
Sony already joined the motion generation lolz

You can consider sixaxis such a motion control pad as you can consider wii play an hardcore game.



One_touch_KO said:
Nickelbackro said:
PS will expand on the six-axis

MS will be the stalwart, they have HC gamers and won't risk them for anything.

Can you please define stalwart???


Never heard that word before :s


Stalwart: One who bucks trends and sticks to a tried and true method, may not sound like MS but i think they will stick to a non motion controlled setup, Sony tacked on the six-axis showing they are willing to move in that direction.


Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

god i hope not.... i would have to stop gaming... i dont want to have to figure out what screw ball motion the dev thought up for various actions, where opening a door is not an obvious motion..... ill go back and play my rts tbs games.... and classic console motion controls have not as of yet lived up to the promis

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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One_touch_KO said:
Nickelbackro said:
PS will expand on the six-axis

MS will be the stalwart, they have HC gamers and won't risk them for anything.

Can you please define stalwart???


Never heard that word before :s



one who avoids or resists change.... 


always wondered where that one came from but not enough to look it up..... your name is mud, has a great story behind it

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Cant wait for the future consoles and their super innovative control schemes... The day that I get to perform my first dragon punch in Street flailing with my arms will trully be a glorious day.

One_touch_KO said:
leo-j said:
Sony already joined the motion generation lolz

You can consider sixaxis such a motion control pad as you can consider wii play an hardcore game.



yes it actually have one more axis than the wii. without motion+, but it doesn't have the infra red bar.

but sony plans to use the playstation eye for that it seems

leo-j said:
One_touch_KO said:
leo-j said:
Sony already joined the motion generation lolz

You can consider sixaxis such a motion control pad as you can consider wii play an hardcore game.



What those eye toy games have to do with this thread? 0___o

Jo21 said:
One_touch_KO said:
leo-j said:
Sony already joined the motion generation lolz

You can consider sixaxis such a motion control pad as you can consider wii play an hardcore game.



yes it actually have one more axis than the wii. without motion+, but it doesn't have the infra red bar.

but sony plans to use the playstation eye for that it seems



Wiimote (without nunchuck) has 6

Wiimote (with nunchuk) has 12

Sixaxis has 6


so are you saying that 6+1 = 6 or that 12 + 1 = 6?