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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you think a PS3 FFVII remake would outsell FFXIII?

So far the remakes are landing on the DS, just sayin'...

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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It would sell like hotcakes, and possibly outsell the FF XIII, but i really do not want FF VII remake the game is good as it is on PS1.

No way. A remake versus a new game? Let's look at an example, shall we?

FFXII: Over 5 million sales
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: 1.5 million sales.

It would be lucky to hit 2 million. PEOPLE DON'T WANT REMAKES, SQUARE ENIX!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

From a sales P.O.V., Final Fantasy VII Remake should be on the Wii, for several reasons. 

1.) Now that S-E has thrown their support behind the platform with DQX, they have no choice but to go "all in" and make sure there are lots of RPG fans on the system. 

2.) Unlike DQX, a FF7 Remake could really sell a ton in North America and Europe where the Wii's userbase is exploding faster than anyone could have imagined. Time to cash in. 

3.) It would follow the successful business strategy S-E has employed on the DS (FF + DQ remakes) to the Wii. Plus there are many Nintendo fans who never really played the originals on the Playstation, this is a good chance to introduce the game to a new fan base.

The PS3 honestly hasn't sold enough to get such a title ... tough break for Sony, but Square-Enix has to look out for themselves and they'd be crazy not to have something big that can sell worldwide (NA + Euro + Japan) for the Wii.

The only chips S-E has to play in that regard are either a FF7 Remake or Kingdom Hearts 3, either one would sell 5-6 million copies on the Wii worldwide easy IMO.  

RPG said:

A FFVII remake would be nothing but a cash cow for Sony and SE, all it would be would be a graphical improvement with the story and everything else done. It would take time but after FFXIII releases I dont see why not.


it will have extra story and side quests... sony doens't permit a port without improvements

Crisis core is a sequel not  a remake it was sold a high piracy systems.

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leo-j said:
Who wouldnt want a FF VII remake.. sadly square is so retarded this gen that they will probably never do it.








A FFVII would attract many fed-up RPG fanatics from SE change in art direction, pace, setting and qualities in their recent games, so certainly.

Kitase/Nomura are the problem, I would bet every suit at Square-Enix would love to have a FF7 Remake. Though I bet they will hedge if the higher ups at the company lay down the law. 

PS3-only is not happening for a title like this though. This last year where S-E announced they're porting FF13 to the 360 and Dragon Quest X is now a Wii title shows they are moving far away from Sony exclusivity. 

The Square-Sony era of the late 90s-2000s is over IMO. 

CGI-Quality said:
@ Swoosh

O Rly..... Then explain all the PSP FF exclusives, FFXIII being exclusive to PS3 in Japan, and FF Versus XIII being a WORLDWIDE PS3 exclusive.


If FF13 sells better or as well in North America/Europe on the 360 as the PS3 version, I think Square-Enix is going to have one hell of a time justifying to their share holders why FF Versus XIII is not on the 360. We'll have to see what happens there, but I would not be surprised at all if that ends up on the 360 too. 

About the PSP games ... honestly, Square-Enix should seriously think about porting those to the Wii as well. Easy money, why not? 

Games like Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep would likely sell far more on the Wii in North America and Europe than they would on the PSP. Really honestly, would anyone debate this?

The PSP software market just isn't very big in the West. 

The main reason Sony still gets lovin' from S-E is because of Nomura/Kitase, but I think eventually the business suits are going to start calling the shots (as made obvious by the FF13 to 360 move). 

IT would outsell it by a sizable margin, maybe ffxiii ps3/360 whole. Final Fantasy VII is the RPG of ALL RPGs, the game that put RPGs at the top of the list and put Square on the Map for years as the RPG king! They are still riding the FFVII train.




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PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)