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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you think a PS3 FFVII remake would outsell FFXIII?

@Shadow - Good point bringing up Advent Children. It has already sold more than 2.5 million copies (as of 2006) despite being a product only FF7 fans could really enjoy to begin with. Imagine if it had some way of opening the series up to others

@AceRock - What does that have to do with anything? The games didn't have to sell as well as FF7 to introduce new people to the story. One of the games was universally considered "less than average" in many key aspects and the other is on a system that is known to have very low software sales. Relative to the potential audience CC did very well, still ranking as the 7th best selling PSP title WW and 4th best in Japan, after the 3 Monster Hunter titles. Heck, it's top ten for NA once you count out the pack-in games. Do you see how the comparisons you are making might not be fair, or even remotely relevant?

@Goddog - And we saw how well SM3 did when "remade" for the GBA - over 5 million units sold.  And really, that game was more of an enhanced port (of a game that had already had an enhanced port once) than an actual remake.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

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Ahhh, we can agree to disagree then, that is fine.

AceRock owns one PS3, one PS Vita, and one PS4.

It depends on how remake-loving are PS3 owners. If the FFVII remake is only released in one console rather than two, the potential field of buyers is greatly reduced, making FFXIII an easy winner.

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A remake of FFVII would destroy FFXIII.

Of course not, a remake never outsell a new main game from the same franchise

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Kasz216 said:
leo-j said:
Kasz216 said:
Not on the PS3 it wouldn't... on another system it has a shot.


 Whats the difference? If people want a FF VII remake, then they would just buy the system with the remake. Why do you think FF gamers got a playstation?

I got one for FF7.  It was also much cheaper.

People aren't going to buy a PS3 for a remake.

Way too expensive.

If they aren't buying it for 13 they aren't going to buy it for 7.

Lots of casuals who bought FF7 have just outgrown gaming in 10 years anyway... or are we betting on the new crowd who's never even played the game?



Wrong and....wrong.

If I didn't have a PS3, a FFVII remake would make me buy one without even blinking.  And I probably won't even try the FFXIII demo, not to mention it's multiplat.  FFVII would be exclusive, and it wasn't a casual title to begin with.

Outgrown gaming?  Are you aware that the average age of gamers in the U.S. is 35?  By that number alone, it doesn't look like a whole lot of people ever outgrow gaming.  I never will - hell, when I have kids, I'll be competing with them!

"Hey there Junior, you better do your homework and go practice some Resistance 4, because you know the rule - if you lose 4 nights in a row, you're washin my truck in the morning!"

CGI-Quality said:
^ Got proof?


Kirby Super Star Ultra dont count

Don't compare the remakes of FF games that never sold what FFVII sold... FFVII still remains the best-selling FF game to-date worldwide, and second in Japan (below FFVIII)... And the money Square made on that title and all the merchandise around it is amazing...

I personally would love a FFVII remake, but i would love really more a FFVIII remake, just imagine the epic intro FMV remade for HD...

I think a FFVII remake would have a very good chance of outselling a the ps3 version of FFXIII. I know a lot of people that have only ever played one, at most two Final Fantasies, and one of those is usually VII.

“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." - author unknown

Phrancheyez said:
Kasz216 said:
leo-j said:
Kasz216 said:
Not on the PS3 it wouldn't... on another system it has a shot.


 Whats the difference? If people want a FF VII remake, then they would just buy the system with the remake. Why do you think FF gamers got a playstation?

I got one for FF7.  It was also much cheaper.

People aren't going to buy a PS3 for a remake.

Way too expensive.

If they aren't buying it for 13 they aren't going to buy it for 7.

Lots of casuals who bought FF7 have just outgrown gaming in 10 years anyway... or are we betting on the new crowd who's never even played the game?



Wrong and....wrong.

If I didn't have a PS3, a FFVII remake would make me buy one without even blinking.  And I probably won't even try the FFXIII demo, not to mention it's multiplat.  FFVII would be exclusive, and it wasn't a casual title to begin with.

Outgrown gaming?  Are you aware that the average age of gamers in the U.S. is 35?  By that number alone, it doesn't look like a whole lot of people ever outgrow gaming.  I never will - hell, when I have kids, I'll be competing with them!

"Hey there Junior, you better do your homework and go practice some Resistance 4, because you know the rule - if you lose 4 nights in a row, you're washin my truck in the morning!"

Really.  You think there were over 9 million hardcore users on the PS1.... and they all loved RPGs.

You guys can believe what you want... but a lot of people who played 10 years ago simply don't play today.  One port of an old game isn't going to change that.

It's got nothing to do with a "Stigma" some people actually believe it or not just stop enjoying videogames.  At some point you actually get bored with shit if you keep doing it over and over again unlesss you are a diehard fan...

and the majority of videogame users have always been casuals.   The kind of people who would rather do a number of things then play videogames, but did so because they just had a large excess of time and money.