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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you think a PS3 FFVII remake would outsell FFXIII?

Serious question here which has been bugging me for some time, when anyone mentions a remake for FFVII on PS3 people go absolutely crazy and many also say it would be bigger then FFXIII. I am saying a PS3 remake simply due to making comparision easier so with all that said, do you think a FFVII remake would outsell FFXIII on PS3?

Going by how crazy people get over this I have to say yes, seems crazy that a remake would outsell the next flag ship game but I think it is very possible.


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I think a FF VII remake would outsell FF XIII, yes I do, heck I WOULDNT be suprised it outsells FF XIII ps3/360 combined, because FF VII is the most well known FF, and every gamer 360 gamer, Wii gamer, w.e would buy a ps3 for FF VII!!!

now am I being sarcastic? Sorry I just watched the dark night



It depends, if you're talking about the ps3 version, yes. If you talk about both ps3 and 360, no. And BTW, I really don't expect a FFVII remake. At best, maybe a polished version of VII for the PSP, but nothing more.

if there was a ffvii remake it would be the highest selling ff ever, period end of story.


edit: and by remake we are just talking about updating graphics maybe adding more to the story, atleast thats all i would want.

A FFVII remake would be nothing but a cash cow for Sony and SE, all it would be would be a graphical improvement with the story and everything else done. It would take time but after FFXIII releases I dont see why not.


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Who wouldnt want a FF VII remake.. sadly square is so retarded this gen that they will probably never do it.



Doubtful, since you said Final fantasy VII only on ps3.

While 360 and Ps3 Final Fantasy XIII would do better.

Edit: Actually I didn't really answer the question. Now the real question would FFVII exclusive on the ps3 outsell Final fantasy XIII not exclusive....yes, why is an exclusive and if it doesn't outsell than that would be disappointment.


Because a HD remake wouldn't improve so much. It's already in 3D, already had wonderful CGI ... The only improvement would be on the graphics so ... It's much more easier for SE to release the game on PSN.

Not on the PS3 it wouldn't... on another system it has a shot.

Really it will depend how FF13 sells on the PS3 in Japan and the 360 in the US.

If poorly in either...

it probably could outsell it on the Wii.

Kasz216 said:
Not on the PS3 it wouldn't... on another system it has a shot.


 Whats the difference? If people want a FF VII remake, then they would just buy the system with the remake. Why do you think FF gamers got a playstation?

