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Forums - Sales Discussion - The legs of Heavenly Sword: How does it do it?

yea,,,she 's got great legs:







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I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet, but new franchises logically SHOULD have better legs than established ones. People who wanted DMC4 knew they wanted it before the game released and got it on day 1 if they could. Same with NG2. Both games had existing fan bases that got on board right away, and the sales for both highly reflect that. That's even why both games were put at bargain prices so much earlier in their lives. HS, however, needed word of mouth to get around (just like Uncharted and LBP and all the Wii games and...) and some price-cuts to cover up how short the game was. With those, things were golden.

Really, though, the biggest detractor was simply how short the game was and that's not even a fair issue. Most games in its genre aren't significantly longer, and after beating DMC4/NG2 in a similar amount of time (both are about 10 hours) HS probably didn't look like too bad of an investment.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

SpartanFX said:

yea,,,she 's got great legs:





Nariko certainly delivers where it counts the most:

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

come on Sony we Need a sequel to this,,,,alternate it between Gof of War and heavenly sword every year




SpartanFX said:
come on Sony we Need a sequel to this,,,,alternate it between Gof of War and heavenly sword every year


God of War III will be the last God of War.  Or at least the last console one (I could see another spin off ala Chains of Olympus hitting the PSP).  It is going to finish Kratos' tale.

I wouldn't mind them starting a new series involving Norse deities, though.  ^_^

But yes, please continue Heavenly Sword!  They should've bought Ninja Theory or something,  At least they had good ideas, even if their execution wasn't the best.  They could've had a transformation similar to Geurrilla Games!

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yeah i agree the legs are great =D

S.T.A.G.E. said:
How about this people? Heavenly Sword was the essential launch title for the PS3 and thats what gives it legs, especially at $29.99.

I'd like to know what store is selling it at $30. I'd love to hear it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

You wanna know why? ME! Thats why!!!

Ever since I got the job at gamestop I have been using Heavenly Sword as the premiere game to show off the PS3's power. SHIT! I did it today! lol!
Heavenly Sword is a great example of what PS3 goes for in a game. Awesome story that evokes emotions, Action Movie like game play that feels seamless, as well as jaw dropping graphics to match (the SHINY!).

I purposely play it in front of customers to draw a crowd to the console that is often ignored because of price and bias.

It has also now become a rarity like Folklore, now that the games have been out for at least a year and they are no longer being manufactured, people want it badly. Had two customers come in looking for it after seeing me play it. Unfortunate for them, there is not a HS game within a 50 mile radius of my store MUHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! They should have gotten it when it was hot! Cheap Bastards(I kid...)!




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

ChichiriMuyo said:
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet, but new franchises logically SHOULD have better legs than established ones. People who wanted DMC4 knew they wanted it before the game released and got it on day 1 if they could. Same with NG2. Both games had existing fan bases that got on board right away, and the sales for both highly reflect that. That's even why both games were put at bargain prices so much earlier in their lives. HS, however, needed word of mouth to get around (just like Uncharted and LBP and all the Wii games and...) and some price-cuts to cover up how short the game was. With those, things were golden.

Really, though, the biggest detractor was simply how short the game was and that's not even a fair issue. Most games in its genre aren't significantly longer, and after beating DMC4/NG2 in a similar amount of time (both are about 10 hours) HS probably didn't look like too bad of an investment.

You know....You are so right!

Heavenly Sword goes for about 40 bucks USED at Gamestop, 54 bucks new. Uncharted goes for 44 bucks used. BOth of these are extremely old by todays standards. I have seen games go from 50 to 20 before passing a month (Left4Dead, cough, Haze, cough cough)

And I enjoyed Heavenly Sword much more then DMC4 or NGII, it has them both by a mile in story, and gameplay. Almost has them by difficulty too.

All Hail Heavenly Sword! The new Action Game on the Block!!!

Nariko will take her rightful throne.........right next to Kratos lols





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

SpartanFX said:
come on Sony we Need a sequel to this,,,,alternate it between Gof of War and heavenly sword every year

I really wish there were more games like these. Bayonetta should fill the void next year, but what I really want is a next gen (also known as: current gen) Onimusha :(