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You wanna know why? ME! Thats why!!!

Ever since I got the job at gamestop I have been using Heavenly Sword as the premiere game to show off the PS3's power. SHIT! I did it today! lol!
Heavenly Sword is a great example of what PS3 goes for in a game. Awesome story that evokes emotions, Action Movie like game play that feels seamless, as well as jaw dropping graphics to match (the SHINY!).

I purposely play it in front of customers to draw a crowd to the console that is often ignored because of price and bias.

It has also now become a rarity like Folklore, now that the games have been out for at least a year and they are no longer being manufactured, people want it badly. Had two customers come in looking for it after seeing me play it. Unfortunate for them, there is not a HS game within a 50 mile radius of my store MUHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! They should have gotten it when it was hot! Cheap Bastards(I kid...)!




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)