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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu Ray Sales in Europe and UK

The price of standalone Blu-ray players have significantly dropped over the past 10 months, but the cost of Blu-ray discs -- while they've decreased -- still are somewhat pricey, many of you have proclaimed in the comments section and forums.

Trying to figure out what's going on in the current Blu-ray market can be rather difficult at the moment.  A new analyst statement every other week contradicts previous reports, and here we go again:

During November in the U.K., consumers purchased 462,500 Blu-ray discs, a 165 percent increase over the month of October.

""When you can get a DVD upconverter for $50 at Wal-Mart, it's hard to justify even $200 for a Blu-ray player, especially when you then have to invest in more expensive Blu-ray."

In Europe, sales of Blu-ray players is expected to triple, with 2.5 million units sold across Europe -- not including the Sony PlayStation 3.  According to the press release, Blu-ray -- including the PS3 -- overall sales have outsold DVD by "about five times" over the first three years of DVD's release.

The European market reportedly didn't receive the drastic Blu-ray price cuts that North America received, so it's possible a further sales boost could happen once manufacturers drop prices further.

Click link for full article -


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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Im not saying all your posts are negative but there should be a limit on the number of threads created a week. Perhaps 70 thread limit. Thats 10 a day gebx could you manage that?

well he does have a point.. here in the middle east, a blu ray movie costs $45 whereas a DVD sets you back by $20-25

Thats a pretty significant difference and it doesnt justify the cost. Even in one of the richest per capita economies in the world..

like i said b4 blu ray player+1 movie= DVD player with 10 movies.

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

I, for one would like to applaud Gebx for constantly highlighting the PS3 in, from what I can tell, all of his posts. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity!

"This is the deep-dish, delicious irony endured by the Nintendo stalwart: to see their platform of choice ascendant, even as their bright God turns his face away."

Tycho Brahe

hell yea....blu ray doing great as usual ! thanks for posting gebx =)

all the ppl who said bad things about blu ray are hiding right now LOL =)

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That is good right?

@ konnichiwa

Sales are up 2.5 times from November, has to be good.

I guess the steep price is due to the high quality....isnt it? No?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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*Al Bundy For President*

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 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

All good news then.