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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Shooterbox confirmed, lol? Soon the top 6 games will be shooters!

It sure is "THE" console for shooters and in 2009 i don't see anything changing, especially with these FPS games on the horizon

Halo 3: ODST

Dead island

Prey 2


The precursors

The protector

White gold: war in paradise

and then of course theres the multiplats like Bioshock 2 and Call of duty modern warfare 2.

360 always has been and always will be the best console for shooters and nothings gonna change that and thats the bottom line_____________________

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It sure is a shootbox :) good thing it offers different experiences though, I have 1 shooter (2 if you count GTAIV) out of 10 games.


Wouldn't call GTA4 a shooter, but it's close enough anyway so I'll let it slide.

Onyxmeth said:
Squilliam said:
Neoraf said:

Onyxmeth, I was about to post the exact same thing.
Excellent post.

The PS3 offer a very similar experience to the Xbox360.
Only less popular and affordable.

Thats why I called it the "wannabe shooterbox"

I figured that pretty soon COD WAW and Gears 2 would join the top of the list and extend the number of shooters down to 6 before another genre takes the next spot. Yes I know GTAIV isn't technically a shooter by the traditional sense, but I don't see much difference between it and say Mercenaries 2 and Farcry 2 - Both considered shooters IIRC.


That's fine. However then I don't know how Uncharted and MGS4 would not meet the same criteria. There is far more shooting on average in both than in GTAIV. Considering how well Uncharted can potentially do in an official bundle, it could very well push Assassin's Creed out of the 6th spot and claim it, making the top 6 on PS3 five shooters and one racing game. We can sit and make inconsequential pissing matches all night about who is pulling slightly ahead but in the end, they are merely two consoles both full up with damn near equal potential to be "the shooterbox". If you really want to make an concise argument, why not add up every sale of every shooter from both consoles and work it against the total software sales to get a percentage? Let's see if the 360 really does sell more shooters on average, because none of the arguments you or I have presented thus far have meant jack shit.


What? Since when did MGS 4 (a stealth game) and Uncharted (a platformer[or action/adventure but that's pushing it]) become shooters.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I'm tired of the 360 been steriotyped as a shooter/FPS console, its unfair and its clearly unjust.

Now leave me in peace while i go play some Left 4 Dead

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outlawauron said:
Onyxmeth said:
Squilliam said:
Neoraf said:

Onyxmeth, I was about to post the exact same thing.
Excellent post.

The PS3 offer a very similar experience to the Xbox360.
Only less popular and affordable.

Thats why I called it the "wannabe shooterbox"

I figured that pretty soon COD WAW and Gears 2 would join the top of the list and extend the number of shooters down to 6 before another genre takes the next spot. Yes I know GTAIV isn't technically a shooter by the traditional sense, but I don't see much difference between it and say Mercenaries 2 and Farcry 2 - Both considered shooters IIRC.


That's fine. However then I don't know how Uncharted and MGS4 would not meet the same criteria. There is far more shooting on average in both than in GTAIV. Considering how well Uncharted can potentially do in an official bundle, it could very well push Assassin's Creed out of the 6th spot and claim it, making the top 6 on PS3 five shooters and one racing game. We can sit and make inconsequential pissing matches all night about who is pulling slightly ahead but in the end, they are merely two consoles both full up with damn near equal potential to be "the shooterbox". If you really want to make an concise argument, why not add up every sale of every shooter from both consoles and work it against the total software sales to get a percentage? Let's see if the 360 really does sell more shooters on average, because none of the arguments you or I have presented thus far have meant jack shit.


What? Since when did MGS 4 (a stealth game) and Uncharted (a platformer[or action/adventure but that's pushing it]) become shooters.

They didn't. I'm firmly of the same opinion that you are. My point was that Squill was claiming GTA IV was a shooter, which is so off it's rediculous, so I put up that if it were then MGS4 and Uncharted were more shooter-like than it was and should be counted. My point to him was that a game featuring guns as primary weapons does not automatically make a game a shooter, and GTA IV is most definitely not a shooter.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

KylieDog said:
Explains why 360 sells biggest in the US, they like shooting stuff.


T*at's w** t*e european edition o* unc*arted allows *ou to use diplomac* to get past enemies...

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Cougarman said:
it is still step up from the original xbox


I have a keyboard/mouse adapter for my XBOX1, and I must say I am very pleased with it's "shooter-ability".

I my favourite shooter-box!

Bitmap Frogs said:
KylieDog said:
Explains why 360 sells biggest in the US, they like shooting stuff.


T*at's w** t*e european edition o* unc*arted allows *ou to use diplomac* to get past enemies...

Are you having an argument currently with F, H and Y?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

GTA4 IS a shooter. A third person shooter. It's part of a unique sub-subgenre (sandbox), but it's still a game in third person where gun combat is a primary function of the game. That makes it a shooter, in the most general sense of the word. Stealth games are the same if they have guns as a focus. Unless you can stealth through the entire game, which I don't believe you can do in MGS, or there are no guns.

Tomb Raider would NOT qualify as a shooter because the gun combat is a small secondary element of the game.

People need to realise, "shooter" is a VERY generalised term, and it can apply to vast amount of games.

Will you teach me to football?