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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do some people really still think that Little Big Planet didnt sell well?

well it is selling fine for a new IP but

1. Huge internet hype for the game and I mean HUGE
2. Also very huge tv ads for it, i have never seen more advertising for ps3 game that this
3. Supposed to be their mascot or identify with PS3
4. It is bundled at some places isn't it?
5. It IS CHRISTMAS season.

Because of all of those reason and possibly more, but mainly those is the reason why people are saying that it so called failed/flopped/bombed/isn't a savior.

I could care less right now, it ain't a FPS so no huge opening and since christmas time hard to tell if has legs. I would wait till summer 09' to decide of the series was a huge success or not. But based on christmas time I would say it ain't looking good for it, but the PS3 ain't selling any better than it so who knows. Maybe if the PS3 picks up so does this.

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Its selling well right now, so its cool.

As long as it sells 100k+ world wide weekly until the end of january, it will end up in good position.


axumblade said:

Yes. A game that is based around its physics engine (which was either used on or inspired from Ragdoll Kung Fu by the way) and creativity probably cost them millions upon millions despite being created in a studio with about 50 people. Also the advertising, which pretty much seems to be just showing in-game footage the whole time, costs almost nothing to make and I really highly doubt that it's costing much for them to advertise on tv stations like Cartoon Network, Fox, or Comedy Central. Or the advertisements in magazines? I just saw a 2 page spread advertising Natsume, so I'll just assume that Natsume spent millions for advertising those 2 pages. ;) yeah. that's realistic. Oh, you're probably referring to those murals that were from earlier this year...I think they might have cost a pretty penny but that's about the only advertising that I see costing them anything, which they have probably made back due to people downloading costumes even, if not now, then they will make the money back when the MGS pack comes out because it gives the game the SHMUP aspect.

Oh wow. A bundle boosting sales? That's terrible. Especially considering that people have the choice of buying a game in the bundle or by itself. Your "kung fu panda" argument is now voided because there IS that choice, where as there is no choice for the 360 ones unless you can find it.

Almost every game "bombs" in Japan unless it's on a Nintendo product or the PSP. Big deal.

So you're saying that after over a month, when a game has been out, if it still manages to maintain about 40k a week, it's not considered legs? It might not be as strong of legs as CoD4 had earlier this year but it is still pretty good for an exclusive Sony title.

You're argument about advertising is totally wrong. You obviously don't understand the about the costs of marketing. You're making ridiculous claims with no numbers to substantiate; I'm shooting at your "it costs little" for these various forms of advertisement argument.

Regardless, don't be foolish... advertising on TV is not cheap. And who said they were just advertising on those stations? I've seen LBP ads and can tell you that I don't watch any of those channels. 


Neoraf said:


This word says everything.
Nothing to be proud of.

Good point.

cura said:
Neoraf said:

Someone's waiting for me? I hope you're a girl... (I don't like boys).

The facts:
LBP didn't sell well according to the Hype and the advertising from Sony.
The bundle boosted LBP european Sales.
LBP bombed in Japan.
I'm waiting the american holiday figures to see if LBP has legs.

Any way you put it, LBP isn't HUGE, isn't the System Seller praised to be.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
I'm sorry.

I'll admit it, I like the challenge of deconstructing inane and unsubstantiated comments, and yours fit the bill quite nicely :)

You initially attributed the success of LBP sales to bundled deals and then proceeded to use that as a base to say that LBP sales are nothing to be proud of. I pointed out that your comments were based on the asummption that you could only buy a PS3 if it was bundled in with LBP. That is not the case in England, Japan and more than likely many other countries. Thus, you cannot render LBP sales in a negatve light by assuming a significant proportion of its sales are due to bundled deals.

Also, 1.23 million in 7 weeks is hardly anything to scoff at regardless of the hype preceeding the game. The fact that it hasn't been a huge system seller may not be its own fault but rather the steep pricing of the PS3.

Well that's why Sony's going down the toilet. They thought that because a 600$ system said PS3 on it, it would sell like hotcakes.

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Batman...WTF? said:
cura said:
Neoraf said:

Someone's waiting for me? I hope you're a girl... (I don't like boys).

The facts:
LBP didn't sell well according to the Hype and the advertising from Sony.
The bundle boosted LBP european Sales.
LBP bombed in Japan.
I'm waiting the american holiday figures to see if LBP has legs.

Any way you put it, LBP isn't HUGE, isn't the System Seller praised to be.
Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
I'm sorry.

I'll admit it, I like the challenge of deconstructing inane and unsubstantiated comments, and yours fit the bill quite nicely :)

You initially attributed the success of LBP sales to bundled deals and then proceeded to use that as a base to say that LBP sales are nothing to be proud of. I pointed out that your comments were based on the asummption that you could only buy a PS3 if it was bundled in with LBP. That is not the case in England, Japan and more than likely many other countries. Thus, you cannot render LBP sales in a negatve light by assuming a significant proportion of its sales are due to bundled deals.

Also, 1.23 million in 7 weeks is hardly anything to scoff at regardless of the hype preceeding the game. The fact that it hasn't been a huge system seller may not be its own fault but rather the steep pricing of the PS3.

Well that's why Sony's going down the toilet. They thought that because a 600$ system said PS3 on it, it would sell like hotcakes.

it did fore the first weeks, it outsold 360 first week even being more expensive

360 first week 400,000+

ps3 first week 600,000+


axumblade said:

Yes. A game that is based around its physics engine (which was either used on or inspired from Ragdoll Kung Fu by the way) and creativity probably cost them millions upon millions despite being created in a studio with about 50 people. Also the advertising, which pretty much seems to be just showing in-game footage the whole time, costs almost nothing to make and I really highly doubt that it's costing much for them to advertise on tv stations like Cartoon Network, Fox, or Comedy Central. Or the advertisements in magazines? I just saw a 2 page spread advertising Natsume, so I'll just assume that Natsume spent millions for advertising those 2 pages. ;) yeah. that's realistic. Oh, you're probably referring to those murals that were from earlier this year...I think they might have cost a pretty penny but that's about the only advertising that I see costing them anything, which they have probably made back due to people downloading costumes even, if not now, then they will make the money back when the MGS pack comes out because it gives the game the SHMUP aspect.

Oh wow. A bundle boosting sales? That's terrible. Especially considering that people have the choice of buying a game in the bundle or by itself. Your "kung fu panda" argument is now voided because there IS that choice, where as there is no choice for the 360 ones unless you can find it.

Almost every game "bombs" in Japan unless it's on a Nintendo product or the PSP. Big deal.

So you're saying that after over a month, when a game has been out, if it still manages to maintain about 40k a week, it's not considered legs? It might not be as strong of legs as CoD4 had earlier this year but it is still pretty good for an exclusive Sony title.

Dude.. your talking about nationwide stations.. that's at least $100.000 for a 30 sec spot.. and that is when it's with a normal  watched program.. for instance at the Superball a commercial would cost $2.000.000 for those 30 sec... that times lets say 5 times each day on the same channel.. you do the math...

And cheap to make because of ingame graphics? LMAO.. you must spend hours and hours on playing and watching the game to get the right footage.. making commercials is not cheap.. a good TV commercial is at least $ 300.000...

Magazine ads? depending on the numbers of sales of the magazine it could easily run up to a few million a week if they advertise in a few popular magazines... Don't ever think advertising is cheap...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

mmmm ok, we have that the game is bundled in japan since launch and that is has been bundled in europe for like 2 weeks. Then we add the great amount of hype, sony claiming that this would be the biggest game in the holiday season (overall), HUGE advertisement and sony even said that this would be the mascot for the ps brand......

NO, it did not meet the expectations.
It's selling good for a new IP like people claim, but it has not even come close of the great expectations both sony and users had. Sorry, sometimes is better to be quiet instead of...well, doing what people did with this game. **especially sony

axumblade said:

eh. That was the weakest of the arguments that I made so I understand disagreement. What I've been trying to say is that the company didn't lose money from the game. I'm not saying the game has made Sony teh hundred millions that people were thinking it would. Simply saying "It's not a flop."



I'm sorry. but you aren't from America obviously. It probably is kind of expensive. And what is the super ball? lol And 100.000 per second? Now who is pulling figures out of the air?

Also, the in game graphics probably didn't cost nearly as much as everyone is saying that they do. If anything, having a

Sorry meant Super Bowl..

and I said $ 100.000 for 30 sec spot

Don't believe me?



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

@ axumblade

Please stop posting. You're just making things up and talking out of your ass. It's embarrassing. None of us know if LBP will be profitable or not... but that's not the point.

here's the bottom line - given the bundling, hype by Sony, and internet enthusiasm the sales were disappointing. That's it.