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well it is selling fine for a new IP but

1. Huge internet hype for the game and I mean HUGE
2. Also very huge tv ads for it, i have never seen more advertising for ps3 game that this
3. Supposed to be their mascot or identify with PS3
4. It is bundled at some places isn't it?
5. It IS CHRISTMAS season.

Because of all of those reason and possibly more, but mainly those is the reason why people are saying that it so called failed/flopped/bombed/isn't a savior.

I could care less right now, it ain't a FPS so no huge opening and since christmas time hard to tell if has legs. I would wait till summer 09' to decide of the series was a huge success or not. But based on christmas time I would say it ain't looking good for it, but the PS3 ain't selling any better than it so who knows. Maybe if the PS3 picks up so does this.