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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could FFXIII break 1 million first week in Japan?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
XanderZane said:

Don't know if it'll sell over 1 million it's first week, but it will definitely sell over 1 million copies on the PS3 in Japan within a few weeks I would think.  If it doesn't, Sony is in trouble.



It will most likely sell 300,000k-500,000 in the first two weeks given the current installed base in Japan. Why do Sony fans put so much faith in Japan when the west has far larger sales? I don't even care if its exclusive  in Japan. It still makes no sense. Japan will not carry any sales that count this gen.


LOL WAT? MGS4 did 480k first week in Japan, are you telling me FFXIII will not achieve more sales then that? Dont worry I have seen you on many other threads, your anti-PS3 thinking is making you look a very silly boy.


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RPG said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
XanderZane said:

Don't know if it'll sell over 1 million it's first week, but it will definitely sell over 1 million copies on the PS3 in Japan within a few weeks I would think.  If it doesn't, Sony is in trouble.



It will most likely sell 300,000k-500,000 in the first two weeks given the current installed base in Japan. Why do Sony fans put so much faith in Japan when the west has far larger sales? I don't even care if its exclusive  in Japan. It still makes no sense. Japan will not carry any sales that count this gen.


LOL WAT? MGS4 did 480k first week in Japan, are you telling me FFXIII will not achieve more sales then that? Dont worry I have seen you on many other threads, your anti-PS3 thinking is making you look a very silly boy.

It doesn't matter. MGS4 isn't near 1 M yet in Japan. It will not go anywhere as long as the installed base is weak. As I said, be realistic with this because Japan isn't carrying shit. Anti-PS3 nothing. I have a PS3.


Ghutto said:
In Japan Dragon Quest is bigger than everything.

Not really. Pokemon, Brain Training, the Wii series (etc.) are all larger. By the way, the same people who are predicting that it won't even do a million first week were probably the same people who doubted Metal Gear Solid 4 before that. Maybe it won't have the lifetime totals of the other games, but when it comes to first week sales, it will end up being pretty close. Some people are saying that the lower userbase will affect sales, but a lot of that absent userbase wouldn't have bought Final Fantasy 13 anyways. For all we know, all the PS3 userbase is lacking versus the PS2 userbase is people who bought One Piece and Shin Chan games.

It will almost definitely end up having a huge dropoff from the first week, but saying it won't sell at least a million first week in Japan is just silly. Silly.



S.T.A.G.E. said:
RPG said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
XanderZane said:

Don't know if it'll sell over 1 million it's first week, but it will definitely sell over 1 million copies on the PS3 in Japan within a few weeks I would think.  If it doesn't, Sony is in trouble.



It will most likely sell 300,000k-500,000 in the first two weeks given the current installed base in Japan. Why do Sony fans put so much faith in Japan when the west has far larger sales? I don't even care if its exclusive  in Japan. It still makes no sense. Japan will not carry any sales that count this gen.


LOL WAT? MGS4 did 480k first week in Japan, are you telling me FFXIII will not achieve more sales then that? Dont worry I have seen you on many other threads, your anti-PS3 thinking is making you look a very silly boy.

It doesn't matter. MGS4 isn't near 1 M yet in Japan. It will not go anywhere as long as the installed base is weak. As I said, be realistic with this because Japan isn't carrying shit. Anti-PS3 nothing. I have a PS3.


PSN ID? Then again I own all three and prefer the Wii so......

Once again install base = sales is what you think, your not going to get far until you understand how wrong you are. FF is more popular outside of "hardcore games" then MGS4, if the latter can hit 480k first week no reason FFXIII cant hit a million.



MontanaHatchet said:
Ghutto said:
In Japan Dragon Quest is bigger than everything.

Not really. Pokemon, Brain Training, the Wii series (etc.) are all larger. By the way, the same people who are predicting that it won't even do a million first week were probably the same people who doubted Metal Gear Solid 4 before that. Maybe it won't have the lifetime totals of the other games, but when it comes to first week sales, it will end up being pretty close. Some people are saying that the lower userbase will affect sales, but a lot of that absent userbase wouldn't have bought Final Fantasy 13 anyways. For all we know, all the PS3 userbase is lacking versus the PS2 userbase is people who bought One Piece and Shin Chan games.

It will almost definitely end up having a huge dropoff from the first week, but saying it won't sell at least a million first week in Japan is just silly. Silly.


 Do you have some problem with me?

Around the Network
MontanaHatchet said:
Ghutto said:
In Japan Dragon Quest is bigger than everything.

Not really. Pokemon, Brain Training, the Wii series (etc.) are all larger. By the way, the same people who are predicting that it won't even do a million first week were probably the same people who doubted Metal Gear Solid 4 before that. Maybe it won't have the lifetime totals of the other games, but when it comes to first week sales, it will end up being pretty close. Some people are saying that the lower userbase will affect sales, but a lot of that absent userbase wouldn't have bought Final Fantasy 13 anyways. For all we know, all the PS3 userbase is lacking versus the PS2 userbase is people who bought One Piece and Shin Chan games.

It will almost definitely end up having a huge dropoff from the first week, but saying it won't sell at least a million first week in Japan is just silly. Silly.


 Do you have some problem with me?

Well, I'm going to assume you like One Piece. In which case, yes. I specifically listed One Piece games along with Shin Chan as examples of games that casual gamers would have bought last generation. Oh, and I meant to insult you too. No wait, I'm just going to continue to ramble until I have four lines of text in my post and I can look like I'm articulate. Gum-Gum-Gadget Mobile!




MontanaHatchet said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Ghutto said:
In Japan Dragon Quest is bigger than everything.

Not really. Pokemon, Brain Training, the Wii series (etc.) are all larger. By the way, the same people who are predicting that it won't even do a million first week were probably the same people who doubted Metal Gear Solid 4 before that. Maybe it won't have the lifetime totals of the other games, but when it comes to first week sales, it will end up being pretty close. Some people are saying that the lower userbase will affect sales, but a lot of that absent userbase wouldn't have bought Final Fantasy 13 anyways. For all we know, all the PS3 userbase is lacking versus the PS2 userbase is people who bought One Piece and Shin Chan games.

It will almost definitely end up having a huge dropoff from the first week, but saying it won't sell at least a million first week in Japan is just silly. Silly.


 Do you have some problem with me?

Well, I'm going to assume you like One Piece. In which case, yes. I specifically listed One Piece games along with Shin Chan as examples of games that casual gamers would have bought last generation. Oh, and I meant to insult you too. No wait, I'm just going to continue to ramble until I have four lines of text in my post and I can look like I'm articulate. Gum-Gum-Gadget Mobile!


1.- Yes, is my favorite manga/anime

2.- What?, they bought Naruto and Gran Turismo last gen



MontanaHatchet said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Ghutto said:
In Japan Dragon Quest is bigger than everything.

Not really. Pokemon, Brain Training, the Wii series (etc.) are all larger. By the way, the same people who are predicting that it won't even do a million first week were probably the same people who doubted Metal Gear Solid 4 before that. Maybe it won't have the lifetime totals of the other games, but when it comes to first week sales, it will end up being pretty close. Some people are saying that the lower userbase will affect sales, but a lot of that absent userbase wouldn't have bought Final Fantasy 13 anyways. For all we know, all the PS3 userbase is lacking versus the PS2 userbase is people who bought One Piece and Shin Chan games.

It will almost definitely end up having a huge dropoff from the first week, but saying it won't sell at least a million first week in Japan is just silly. Silly.


 Do you have some problem with me?

Well, I'm going to assume you like One Piece. In which case, yes. I specifically listed One Piece games along with Shin Chan as examples of games that casual gamers would have bought last generation. Oh, and I meant to insult you too. No wait, I'm just going to continue to ramble until I have four lines of text in my post and I can look like I'm articulate. Gum-Gum-Gadget Mobile!


1.- Yes, is my favorite manga/anime

2.- What?, they bought Naruto and Gran Turismo last gen



1. I have nothing against One Piece (except for the butchered dub version). I love it. It's an awesome manga and anime series. On the other hand, my favorite anime is Case Closed.

2. They bought a lot of different games, I was just listing random examples.




MontanaHatchet said:
MontanaHatchet said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Ghutto said:
In Japan Dragon Quest is bigger than everything.

Not really. Pokemon, Brain Training, the Wii series (etc.) are all larger. By the way, the same people who are predicting that it won't even do a million first week were probably the same people who doubted Metal Gear Solid 4 before that. Maybe it won't have the lifetime totals of the other games, but when it comes to first week sales, it will end up being pretty close. Some people are saying that the lower userbase will affect sales, but a lot of that absent userbase wouldn't have bought Final Fantasy 13 anyways. For all we know, all the PS3 userbase is lacking versus the PS2 userbase is people who bought One Piece and Shin Chan games.

It will almost definitely end up having a huge dropoff from the first week, but saying it won't sell at least a million first week in Japan is just silly. Silly.


 Do you have some problem with me?

Well, I'm going to assume you like One Piece. In which case, yes. I specifically listed One Piece games along with Shin Chan as examples of games that casual gamers would have bought last generation. Oh, and I meant to insult you too. No wait, I'm just going to continue to ramble until I have four lines of text in my post and I can look like I'm articulate. Gum-Gum-Gadget Mobile!


1.- Yes, is my favorite manga/anime

2.- What?, they bought Naruto and Gran Turismo last gen



1. I have nothing against One Piece (except for the butchered dub version). I love it. It's an awesome manga and anime series. On the other hand, my favorite anime is Case Closed.

2. They bought a lot of different games, I was just listing random examples.


That is the problem with One Piece, the serie has horrible dubs in all the world, like the chainsawed american version


PS2's install base was about 4.9m when FFX launched. And the game did 1.455.000 in its first day and 1.9m in its 1st week (I think Famitsu says it did 1.75m first week though, but I cant find its data anywhere)

LTD sales of FFX in Japan is 2.32 million. 3 millions that vgchartz shows include additional editions like "Ultimate Hits", "International version" etc. The original FFX has sold 2.32 million in Japan.

I believe PS3 will have 4m. sold by the time FFXIII launches. And the game will sell to 40% of PS3's users on its launch week. So 1.6 million 1st week sounds real to me.

But, it is Japan we are talking about, and this is Final Fantasy. The series which hasnt seen a decrease in sales in Japan since 1999. (FFIX - 2.7m FFX - 3m. FFXII - 2.48m) Hardcore gamers will go out and buy it and the system for it, no matter what the system is.

So I'm calling it now - FFXIII will do 1.7m in its 1st week in Japan. 2.4 million Lifetime.