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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I witnessed a very sad event today :(

stof said:
I recently heard a really sad story.

Two women were looking at some games to buy, and when they picked one (based on it's wide variety of games), some punk kid who didn't even work there told them they made a crap choice.

No really, actually happened.



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Carnival games is not crap for a lot of wii owners. The game has sold more than 2.5 million. In fact almost 50% of wii software sales come from similar games, so that kind of games are the good games for wii demographics. Don't be such a snob.

Esa-Petteri said:
Carnival games is not crap for a lot of wii owners. The game has sold more than 2.5 million. In fact almost 50% of wii software sales come from similar games, so that kind of games are the good games for wii demographics. Don't be such a snob.


 Ehh? Party games have sold 110M on Wii! Holy cra.. cow!


For the number to come even close to 100M, you would have to put Mario Kart Wii and such into the same category as Carnival Games. (Or put Wii Sports in there, which is just stupid beyond words).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Carnival games is not crap for a lot of wii owners. The game has sold more than 2.5 million. In fact almost 50% of wii software sales come from similar games, so that kind of games are the good games for wii demographics. Don't be such a snob.


 Ehh? Party games have sold 110M on Wii! Holy cra.. cow!


For the number to come even close to 100M, you would have to put Mario Kart Wii and such into the same category as Carnival Games. (Or put Wii Sports in there, which is just stupid beyond words).


I said almost 50%. Half of the sales would be something like 106 million and that kind of games have sold something like 85-95 million on wii.

Why should wii sports not be counted?


@ thanny. I, like you, am always curious as to what other people are doing, but you approached them quite rudely. I often give advice to random people in stores as to which computer game they should buy. But you absolutely must
Politely ask them if they would like help deciding
Ask who the game is for
Make your recommendation, without using the word 'crap'
Let them have the final say

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So thats why wii play has sold so much! Its because old ladies will have seen its got lots of games on it! Damn you old ladies!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

My daughter loves that game, so perhaps the ladies were basing the decision on the enjoyment a child would have with said game. I understand as an "adult" you were giving your opinion, about a Wii game, that (if I had no kids) would agree was crap. But, then again, my wife likes carnival games too.

I would feel somewhat the same if say........ a mom was standing there holding MGS4/LBP and Lair, thinking, "well this one has dragons so perhaps my son would like it the most, oohhh, and it is cheaper" In that type scenario, I would just run up, ninja roll, grab Lair, snap the disk in half, pop smoke and gone.

I understand your motive, however, the Wii is one of those crazy consoles that appeals to everyone, with all types fo games. Games that I would never touch, may hold an entertainment value for many others, children, women, ect. You just have to be careful, stand back, and watch the delivery. Ninja rolling helps too.......8-P

That's actually a pretty fair assessment.

Even if you want to quibble over whether it's 45% 40% or whatever, it's pretty clear by looking at the Wii best seller's list that a sizable chunk of the Wii audience is clearly buying games like deca sports, carnival games, etc. Most are buying Wii Play, which is pretty much the definitive casual game that virtually no one plays by themselves.

And despite being quality titles, Mario Kart and even Smash Bros to a lesser extent, still fall into the same demographic. Not in terms of quality, but in terms of easy to pick up and play with multiple people on the same console (ie. party game).

Nobody realistically claims the Wii is the favored console of the core gamer; they're just aren't that many split between three platforms (four including PC) to sell the kinds of numbers the Wii has been seeing.

A lot of people buying them are buying them to play party games or light games, and in many cases, looking for the most entertainment for the least amount of change. Most of these people aren't particularly tuned in to what the hottest game of the month happens to be, which probably explains why a lot of Wii games tend to sell longer than most.

Let people buy what they want. If they're casual gamers, recommending the latest Zelda or Metroid game probably isn't the best advice.

25 games in 1 o.0?!

Have to get that too! What was that name again? Carnival games?... Sawe3t!


I'm with stof on this one. If you want to help, do it politely. Also, they could have bought lots of games that are worse.

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