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My daughter loves that game, so perhaps the ladies were basing the decision on the enjoyment a child would have with said game. I understand as an "adult" you were giving your opinion, about a Wii game, that (if I had no kids) would agree was crap. But, then again, my wife likes carnival games too.

I would feel somewhat the same if say........ a mom was standing there holding MGS4/LBP and Lair, thinking, "well this one has dragons so perhaps my son would like it the most, oohhh, and it is cheaper" In that type scenario, I would just run up, ninja roll, grab Lair, snap the disk in half, pop smoke and gone.

I understand your motive, however, the Wii is one of those crazy consoles that appeals to everyone, with all types fo games. Games that I would never touch, may hold an entertainment value for many others, children, women, ect. You just have to be careful, stand back, and watch the delivery. Ninja rolling helps too.......8-P