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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Okami is on sale for $24.99 at GameStop

So um...

Go buy it.

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How much is the ps2 version?


makingmusic476 said:

So um...

Go buy it.



noname2200 said:
makingmusic476 said:

So um...

Go buy it.




You betta!  Especially if you consider yourself a Zelda fan.


The PS2 version is $20 new and $18 used.

The Wii version is $25 new. So I don't know which version to go after considering I never played this game yet on either platform.

I know the Wii controls are a new thing, so should I get the PS2 or Wii version.

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xlost7 said:

The PS2 version is $20 new and $18 used.

The Wii version is $25 new. So I don't know which version to go after considering I never played this game yet on either platform.

I know the Wii controls are a new thing, so should I get the PS2 or Wii version.


Wii version:

+Motion controls make using the brush much easier.
+Brighter and more vibrant color scheme.

-No paper rice effect (resulting in the brighter color scheme).
-The ending credits have been removed, as has all mention of Clover Studios (something that'd probably be more important to somebody like me than it would be for most).

PS2 version:

+Game is fully intact, including the paper rice effect among other things.

-No motion controls.

xlost7 said:

The PS2 version is $20 new and $18 used.

The Wii version is $25 new. So I don't know which version to go after considering I never played this game yet on either platform.

I know the Wii controls are a new thing, so should I get the PS2 or Wii version.

From what I've played, it comes down to a few differences. Graphically, the Wii version is sharper, but the PS2 version has more of the filter and bloom effects that make Okami so...beautiful, for lack of a better term.

The Wii's pointer controls make drawing a breeze rather than a chore, but the waggle to attack controls take a bit of getting used to. Also , the nunchuk's motion sensor blows in detecting motion, so the sidestep is nearly useless.

Others can chime in with other differences. Personally, I prefer the Wii version, but not by a whole lot.


Well the original Okami on the PS2 is made by Clover Studios right? So wouldn't that be the preferred version considering the original developers created this version rather than the Wii version which is created by some other developers?

xlost7 said:
Well the original Okami on the PS2 is made by Clover Studios right? So wouldn't that be the preferred version considering the original developers created this version rather than the Wii version which is created by some other developers?

I suppose, but since Clover shut down years ago it's not like they're going to benefit from any additonal sales: they're all going to Capcom.

Still, it sounds like you're leaning towards the PS2 version. Good choice. Not like you can go wrong with Okami, though.

I know I'm not going to benefit Clover in any way, but what I'm saying is the art and creation of the game was made by Clover and that spark isn't in the Wii version. The Wii version is just a port made by another developer.

Weird right, I'm not being picky but I would probably get the PS2 version.