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xlost7 said:

The PS2 version is $20 new and $18 used.

The Wii version is $25 new. So I don't know which version to go after considering I never played this game yet on either platform.

I know the Wii controls are a new thing, so should I get the PS2 or Wii version.

From what I've played, it comes down to a few differences. Graphically, the Wii version is sharper, but the PS2 version has more of the filter and bloom effects that make Okami so...beautiful, for lack of a better term.

The Wii's pointer controls make drawing a breeze rather than a chore, but the waggle to attack controls take a bit of getting used to. Also , the nunchuk's motion sensor blows in detecting motion, so the sidestep is nearly useless.

Others can chime in with other differences. Personally, I prefer the Wii version, but not by a whole lot.