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Forums - Sales Discussion - Take Two reports record revenue, but loses money, shares fall

So much for the HD business model of excessively massive games with extremely high budgets...

If GTAIV, the largest selling HD game on the entire generation is failing to make the developers money, it says something.

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DIdnt Take-Two publish Oblivion (by Bethesda)? Why is there no Fallout 3 (also Bethesda) on these lists, Take-Two didnt publish it??

wow, just wow.

is it too early to start placing bets on who buys them up next year?

Not unexpected.

I'd be more upset if i could think of a take 2 game i like.

Oh wait MLB Power Pros. Damn.

Ok it's Konami, but Take 2 publishes it in the US... for some reason.

Interesting, Fishy. My question is - what happened to that unnamed, PS3 exclusive game from R*? It wasn't L.A. Noire - where is that?

Also, PS3 beat the 360 as far as percentage - good show, PS3.

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Oh man... Those HD console games sure are bringin' in the bucks, right??? Aw... no? Too bad... Maybe they should make some good Wii games if they want a profit...

Some interesting comments from T2.

"We believe we'll continue to benefit from the growing install base of the Nintendo Wii," said Feder. "Our relationship with Nintendo has never been stronger," he added, calling it a "great foundation on which to build."

"Even some of the M-rated content that we think is much more appropriate for the [Xbox] 360 or the PS3... we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform, because we can't ignore that install base," Feder said. "We just can't."

Why is bioshock 2's platform(s) tba still?

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

FishyJoe said:

Some interesting comments from T2.

"We believe we'll continue to benefit from the growing install base of the Nintendo Wii," said Feder. "Our relationship with Nintendo has never been stronger," he added, calling it a "great foundation on which to build."

"Even some of the M-rated content that we think is much more appropriate for the [Xbox] 360 or the PS3... we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform, because we can't ignore that install base," Feder said. "We just can't."

wow, that is an amazing quote.

FishyJoe said:
So if I've calculated correctly, they made a total of $97 million profit for the fiscal year. That's pretty pathetic in a year when GTAIV is released. How this company is going to make any money at all in 2009 is a mystery to me.

$97 million profit for GTA4 year? That's... bad.

Another western publisher posting losses/paltry profits, what an upsetting trend.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).