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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo! WHAT are you thinking! Get your act together! Q1 wii line-up!

Yeah, I was looking at this.

Where are the new games?

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if you are going to expect people to complain with you. Good luck.

I am actually quite happy with Nintendo's decision and I hope they continue to support the wii this way. And look at all those 3rd party support, they are going to sell millions of copies.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
yushire said:
OH and I thought Trestres comes back, about the ports whats the problem with it? I never played those games yet its a good thing for everyone that didnt played those games yet on GC. If you dont want to play thise games dont buy it, its just simple...



How the Fuck can you Nintendo fans keep making excuses for yourselves that this is a good thing instead of a Bad?! Are you guys fooling yourself or what?!... Or are you fucking serious?! I find this a FUCKING DISGRACE! The majority is seemingly taking it though! So Nintendo won't bother! They'll just keep doing this over and over again!

Hell yeah, can't wait for Mario Sunshine with which you control my old friend FLUDD with the Wiimote! Will be an awesome line-up for Christmas 09!


Wow, Ninty's Q1 '09 line-up is teh suck compared to third parties and titles such as Madworld and The Conduit, but then again anyone paying attention for the past 6 months knows that it's been this way for awhile with Nintendo... it's been either sub-par casual games (Wii Music) or remakes of old N64/GC games (I'm looking at YOU, Animal Crossing!)

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

StarcraftManiac said:
yushire said:
OH and I thought Trestres comes back, about the ports whats the problem with it? I never played those games yet its a good thing for everyone that didnt played those games yet on GC. If you dont want to play thise games dont buy it, its just simple...



How the Fuck can you Nintendo fans keep making excuses for yourselves that this is a good thing instead of a Bad?! Are you guys fooling yourself or what?!... Or are you fucking serious?! I find this a FUCKING DISGRACE! The majority is seemingly taking it though! So Nintendo won't bother! They'll just keep doing this over and over again!

Hell yeah, can't wait for Mario Sunshine with which you control my old friend FLUDD with the Wiimote! Will be an awesome line-up for Christmas 09!

How the fuck can you be so selfish? I have tons of games to catch up on, and the third-party offerings will just increase that backlog (if I decide to buy them). I'm satisfied, and I know I'm not the only one.

This is almost as bad as the reactions to the "NES Classics" on GBA range.



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OMG!!!, 3rd parties don't have a chance!! Nintendo's own games are just too good!!!

*uhm, what, no games*

OMG!!!! Nintendo doesn't support the Wii!!! No hardcore games confirmed!!! Only ports!!

Maybe they WANT to give Sega (and others) a better chance with MadWorld and House of the Dead, because it would have been very easy for Nintendo to release Disaster or Fatal Frame in Q1.

Gnac said:
StarcraftManiac said:
yushire said:
OH and I thought Trestres comes back, about the ports whats the problem with it? I never played those games yet its a good thing for everyone that didnt played those games yet on GC. If you dont want to play thise games dont buy it, its just simple...



How the Fuck can you Nintendo fans keep making excuses for yourselves that this is a good thing instead of a Bad?! Are you guys fooling yourself or what?!... Or are you fucking serious?! I find this a FUCKING DISGRACE! The majority is seemingly taking it though! So Nintendo won't bother! They'll just keep doing this over and over again!

Hell yeah, can't wait for Mario Sunshine with which you control my old friend FLUDD with the Wiimote! Will be an awesome line-up for Christmas 09!

How the fuck can you be so selfish? I have tons of games to catch up on, and the third-party offerings will just increase that backlog (if I decide to buy them). I'm satisfied, and I know I'm not the only one.

This is almost as bad as the reactions to the "NES Classics" on GBA range.


Not wanna try to be rude but Nintendo actually released at least SOME other NEW titles during that time! Like Golden Sun! Games that actually took an effort!

Ah, you know, fuck it!

Nintendo, just rebuild the COMPLETE Cube line-up with Wii-controlls! Just make it a 'Best of Nintendo' console! And just fuck that I already played 80% of those games! I'll just buy them again!

That is basically what you people are saying! Right?!



StarcraftManiac said:
yushire said:
OH and I thought Trestres comes back, about the ports whats the problem with it? I never played those games yet its a good thing for everyone that didnt played those games yet on GC. If you dont want to play thise games dont buy it, its just simple...

How the Fuck can you Nintendo fans keep making excuses for yourselves that this is a good thing instead of a Bad?! Are you guys fooling yourself or what?!... Or are you fucking serious?! I find this a FUCKING DISGRACE! The majority is seemingly taking it though! So Nintendo won't bother! They'll just keep doing this over and over again!

Hell yeah, can't wait for Mario Sunshine with which you control my old friend FLUDD with the Wiimote! Will be an awesome line-up for Christmas 09!

Ok, I'll run to buy a 360 and I'll stop playing my Wii. Happy now? Good, you can calm down then.

And I was gonna say what Benga said. Damned mind reading powers.

StarcraftManiac said:
Gnac said:
StarcraftManiac said:
yushire said:
OH and I thought Trestres comes back, about the ports whats the problem with it? I never played those games yet its a good thing for everyone that didnt played those games yet on GC. If you dont want to play thise games dont buy it, its just simple...



How the Fuck can you Nintendo fans keep making excuses for yourselves that this is a good thing instead of a Bad?! Are you guys fooling yourself or what?!... Or are you fucking serious?! I find this a FUCKING DISGRACE! The majority is seemingly taking it though! So Nintendo won't bother! They'll just keep doing this over and over again!

Hell yeah, can't wait for Mario Sunshine with which you control my old friend FLUDD with the Wiimote! Will be an awesome line-up for Christmas 09!

How the fuck can you be so selfish? I have tons of games to catch up on, and the third-party offerings will just increase that backlog (if I decide to buy them). I'm satisfied, and I know I'm not the only one.

This is almost as bad as the reactions to the "NES Classics" on GBA range.


Not wanna try to be rude but Nintendo actually released at least SOME other NEW titles during that time! Like Golden Sun! Games that actually took an effort!

Ah, you know, fuck it!

Nintendo, just rebuild the COMPLETE Cube line-up with Wii-controlls! Just make it a 'Best of Nintendo' console! And just fuck that I already played 80% of those games! I'll just buy them again!

That is basically what you people are saying! Right?!


Thanks for proving my point about the whole selfishness thing.



StarcraftManiac said:
thekitchensink said:

*ignores the fact that, in addition to those being great games, third parties are stepping up to the plate next quarter, with Mad World, Sonic and the Black Knight, Onechanbara, The Conduit, and many more.


 People can keep talking their way outta this but it's SO FUCKING OBVIOUS that Nintendo is 1; Screwing with their core-fanbase or 2; cooking something up! Either for us, or for the same people that bought Brain Trainer 2 en-mass! And I hope the former instead of the latter! And yeah; MadWorld is gonna rock! The Conduit will be m3h I guess if you played CoD4 and Resistance 2 to death! But we're talking about Nintendo right now! Not the fact that there actually are, for the first time, a few 3rd-party titles that look somewhere close to AA! (And MadWorld definitely AAA!!!) = only thing I'm excited about for t3h Wii!

    Oh, come on--you aren't that naive, are you?  The argument used to be that 'Nintendo is the only one making good games for Wii!'  So now, they are leaving the gates wide open for third party developers while they ready their games for Motion+, releasing only a couple of remakes for themselves this quarter, and the developers are STEPPING UP to the plate.  But of course, the argument now becomes 'Only third parties are making good games for Wii!'

    Also, if you're calling The Conduit 'm3h' because you've played Call of Duty or Resistance 2, fine.  You're not allowed to hype Call of Duty 6, Resistance 3, any more Halos, etc., because you've already played games in their genre.  Right?

    All I can say is, gamers of any stripe should be very happy with a Wii next quarter, whether they like sports games (Mario Tennis), strategy games (Pikmin), shooters (Conduit, House of the Dead), brawlers (Mad World, Deadly Creatures), zombies (Dead Rising and Onechanbara), and more.  I used to use this following argument when defending the fact that the ONLY good games on the system were from Nintendo, but it still fits: It doesn't matter who makes them--a good game is a good game.



Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."