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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's development slump

So here we are, having born full witness to Nintendo's Q1 2009 lineup, which consists of all of 5 games from Nintendo themselves: Personal Trainer: Math, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Pokemon Platinum, Play on Wii Mario Power Tennis, and Play on Wii Pikmin.


I just find it strange that first party development can slump so hard. Exactly what was Nintendo thinking, or planning? I find it hard to believe that they would deliberately let development slump like this to open a window for 3rd parties, or simply because they don't have to put out software to move units. What exactly could motivate such a slump? We know they have a lot of titles in the works, the evidence is all over the place for stuff from first-party groups like EAD and Retro, and from partners like Factor 5, Next Level Games, Treasure, and Monster Games, but why haven't better strategies been developed to more thoroughly populate each quarter with their high-level releases?


Note: this is not a rant in particular. I myself am picking up Fire Emblem and Pikmin and will enjoy them fully, just pondering why development in general seems to have slumped. Release strategy problem, simple oversight, or something more cognizant.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Better strategies for what? Sell more Wii's? Why do that when the console is even outsold at some places and selling like hot cakes?

They are doing an excellent job atm, sure most gamers aren't happy, but by Q2 2009 or earlier we'll know what games they'll be releasing. Most likely a new Zelda and Mario game, and hopefully a Star Fox game.

You talk as if Nintendo were new to the industry. I'm pretty sure they know what they are doing. They'll surprise us, they always do.

I hope they release some new games in Q2 :S

I was planning to buy Wii Sports Resort and Punch Out, but now it seems I wont. I hope they get released in Q2 though, if not I will be very mad =(

That is an excellent question.

Possible answers:

- Nintendo is content to allow Sports/Fit/Kart drive sales and holding off on releasing other games until sales show some sign of softening.

- Nintendo never releasing games until they feel they are finished and they don't have any ready for Q1 (except D:DoC for NA ... >_
- Nintendo is focusing a lot of development elsewhere (DS2??)

- Nintendo is holding back Wii games until Wii Sports Resorts and WM+ comes out (cause they all use it?) and it's not ready

- Nintendo staff are too busy partying with all the billions they are making they are either - too busy partying, too drunk or too hungover to work on games

- Some combination thereof


Mr Khan said:

So here we are, having born full witness to Nintendo's Q1 2009 lineup, which consists of all of 5 games from Nintendo themselves: Personal Trainer: Math, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Pokemon Platinum, Play on Wii Mario Power Tennis, and Play on Wii Pikmin.


I just find it strange that first party development can slump so hard. Exactly what was Nintendo thinking, or planning? I find it hard to believe that they would deliberately let development slump like this to open a window for 3rd parties, or simply because they don't have to put out software to move units. What exactly could motivate such a slump? We know they have a lot of titles in the works, the evidence is all over the place for stuff from first-party groups like EAD and Retro, and from partners like Factor 5, Next Level Games, Treasure, and Monster Games, but why haven't better strategies been developed to more thoroughly populate each quarter with their high-level releases?


Note: this is not a rant in particular. I myself am picking up Fire Emblem and Pikmin and will enjoy them fully, just pondering why development in general seems to have slumped. Release strategy problem, simple oversight, or something more cognizant.

That is exactly what they did. Why? because 3rd party bitch about not being able to compete against Nintendo games on Nintendo console, hence when there isn't any competition the games should sell well (IF DONE TO SAME STANDARD OF DEVELOPMENT AS HD CONSOLES GET, by that i mean within Wii capabilities and effort put in)They "ASSUMED" the success of the Wii would of brought 3rd party developers over like it did for the DS, however this hasn't happened that successfully.Also Nintendo spend 3years+ developing games to get them PERFECT as they call it. 





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Quarters 2, 3, and 4 need some love too maybe

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



Gamerace said:
That is an excellent question.

Possible answers:

- Nintendo is content to allow Sports/Fit/Kart drive sales and holding off on releasing other games until sales show some sign of softening.

- Nintendo never releasing games until they feel they are finished and they don't have any ready for Q1 (except D:DoC for NA ... >_< )

- Nintendo is focusing a lot of development elsewhere (DS2??)

- Nintendo is holding back Wii games until Wii Sports Resorts and WM+ comes out (cause they all use it?) and it's not ready

- Nintendo staff are too busy partying with all the billions they are making they are either - too busy partying, too drunk or too hungover to work on games

- Some combination thereof



Well they were about to star workin in titles like zelda and star fox, but then the big news of sellin' 2 million wiis on november came, that they started the "Legendary celebration" that will last until probably the 2Q of 2009.


That's why we don't see that much support right now

the motion plus thing is interesting. however id dont see all there games suing wii motion plus. maybe games will come with a wii motion+ mode and a normal wiimote mode. maybe its just a simple fact tht games are taking longer than anticipated to be completed

also WHERE IS FATAL FRAME IV? its coming out in february

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Five games in one quarter isn't bad for Nintendo, especially when it's traditionally in the weaker half of the year.

I would consider it a release slump, rather than a development slump. Who knows what they're doing in terms of development right now.

Just beacuse they haven't announce so many games yet doesn't mean they don't have them for release later half of 2009.

They are not S-E who announce games 2-3 even 4 years ahead.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints