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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the Wii failing to do/be that keeps it from 100% market share?

its a hypothetical pete, he's asking what do you think the ps3 and 360 have that Nintendo needed to own the whole market.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

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Or it would be like this
Wii costs 1 penny, the others cost 1000+
Wii would have a 99% shot of getting 100% share

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



the darn machine sold 2 friggin' million machines in a month and you are saying that "is failing"?

and 100% market share?! what machine have ever done that recently?!

and the playstation 2 has almost 10 years while the why hasn't even 3 years old!!


Nintendo need to start the *next* generation now. Today. Sell "1" unit of the Wii Super HD Deluxe/II Supreme DX - and they will have 100% of the "next-gen" market.


Gesta Non Verba

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KichiVerde said:
Phrancheyez said:
100% market share?

Thread fail of epic proportions.


my sentiment exactly



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Obviously in order for the wii to reach 100% market share, they need to generate a brand new market. Of where the PS3 and the xbox do not exist. This way, the wii gets 100% market share, and the xbox 360 and PS3 both experience a substantial boost to their own market share. I'm talking 60% xbox and 40% PlayStation 3 baby!

That and the wii needs to have a black hole generator. Just thrown in for good measure.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

DaveD said:
Or it would be like this
Wii costs 1 penny, the others cost 1000+
Wii would have a 99% shot of getting 100% share

even then it wouldn't (unless they were a very excessive amount over $1000), there will always be one person who buys it.. because if you remember correctly.. 5 million people bought the ps3 instantly, whether or not games were released on it.. i'm sure one of those 5million loyal would have also picked up a ps3, even if it were $10,000

Things the Wii would need to do to dominate further in my mind:

-get back the hardcore segment that they've been losing to the other consoles. This means releasing more 1st party major releases instead of like 1 zelda game every 3-4 years, and inventing some new 1st party franchises
-ensure that the Wii gets all those multi-platform games that seem to only go to the 360 and PS3 currently. I mean NHL'09 should never of launched for the ps2 and not the Wii
-don't insult the 3rd party developers by working on new technologies and not telling them(hello Lucas Arts + Wii Motion Plus)
-expand their online offering to really compete with the PSN and Xbox live(and really friend codes have to go)
-listen to your userbase more! How long did it take Nintendo to even recognize that there was a problem with the storage capability of the system? 1-1.5 years?
-increase production, false shortages are silly and an insult to the consumers
-put the squeeze on the competitors by using strategic price cuts that they can't possibly match due to Nintendo's super profitability
-And the one that's been bugging me about Nintendo since the n64.....get some damn RPG's on the system already! Take a hint when people constantly reminisce about the days of Chrono Trigger, Earthbound and FF3

That's all I could think of at present, the Wii is a good system, but it definitely has room for improvement.

The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.

If you use this site's data and align the three consoles by date of launch, the Wii would have 55% market share at this point (even after the effects of having the 360 be the only current-gen console on the market for a full year).

By contrast, the PS2 had only a 53% market share at a similar point (launch-aligned) despite having a full year's head start over its competitor (i.e. the inverse of the Wii's situation).

From this, I can safely conclude that the Wii can at least feasibly demonstrate the same long-term market dominance as the PS2, although there are many unaccounted variables.

But that's not directly addressing your question, which I take to be "how can the Wii sustain its incredible momentum long enough to pull a PS2"? I originally had a much longer post, which examined the DS' history and made comparisons, before picking the comparisons apart. But let's try this instead.

The mass gamer does not seem to care about graphics or online. By "mass gamer" I do not refer to the average forum-poster (although that holds true for some of us too), but to the masses as a whole. Nintendo simply needs to continue feeding their desires to sustain the momentum on that front, and I wouldn't deign to tell them how to do so.

But you're doubtless concerned with the more traditional gamer, the one who has voted with his dollars in favor of an HD console. For them, Nintendo needs only one thing to lure them in: more games.

They're seeing success by creating games targeting everyone, especially gamers willing to play something different. If they (or more likely, third-parties) start making games targeted more towards the traditional gamers' more narrow tastes, they will start to chip away at that block as well. Traditional gamers are, after all, gamers, and they go where the games go.

Some die-hards, of course, will refuse to budge, insisting on the HD consoles' better graphics and sheer power. But then, to this day some die-hards take the same attitude towards the DS. I would submit that that group is a miniscule minority. Many folks are entranced by the HD features, but they are even more entranced by good games made to appeal to them. If the Wii gets those, the gamers will inevitably follow.

*Insert short history of DS here*

I don't think this is too far-fetched: when the Wii was first unveiled, I recall all but the most stalwart gamer greatly anticipating what the Wii's new controls could do for traditional games, despite knowing that the graphics couldn't hold a candle to the HD systems. Many are disappointed with the system because that promise was not kept (*insert comment about needing to broaden horizons here*). But if it does, if we get those 1:1 sword-fights, those quality FPS games with MoH's controls, those RTS games, etc., I have no problem seeing most gamers changing their tune within a year.

I think it already has it. The other day a friend's 360 went mysteriously missing. I went home and found my Wii licking its lips and smiling mischievously.

Beware the Armageddon clocks in the 40 million Wiis around the world!

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth