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Things the Wii would need to do to dominate further in my mind:

-get back the hardcore segment that they've been losing to the other consoles. This means releasing more 1st party major releases instead of like 1 zelda game every 3-4 years, and inventing some new 1st party franchises
-ensure that the Wii gets all those multi-platform games that seem to only go to the 360 and PS3 currently. I mean NHL'09 should never of launched for the ps2 and not the Wii
-don't insult the 3rd party developers by working on new technologies and not telling them(hello Lucas Arts + Wii Motion Plus)
-expand their online offering to really compete with the PSN and Xbox live(and really friend codes have to go)
-listen to your userbase more! How long did it take Nintendo to even recognize that there was a problem with the storage capability of the system? 1-1.5 years?
-increase production, false shortages are silly and an insult to the consumers
-put the squeeze on the competitors by using strategic price cuts that they can't possibly match due to Nintendo's super profitability
-And the one that's been bugging me about Nintendo since the n64.....get some damn RPG's on the system already! Take a hint when people constantly reminisce about the days of Chrono Trigger, Earthbound and FF3

That's all I could think of at present, the Wii is a good system, but it definitely has room for improvement.

The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.