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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Media Molecule already working on another new project

Of course they're working on a new project, what do you think they've been doing since LBP released?

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Euphoria14 said:
DeotoxSlayer said:
Euphoria14 said:
Maybe the BBC secret project?


 I don't think so. They were busy working on LBP at that time.

Their new project probably was still in concept during the time BBC reported on the "Secret Project"


Then why would they say "Working hard on getting it ready"?

Wouldn't that imply that it is almost done?

If not, then they are amazing since they got out of the concept stage in October and are getting it ready now.

I think they mean either getting it ready so it can announced or if its a PSN game getting it ready to release, since it could have a short development cycle then.

I hope the project their working on is the RPG they said that they were interested in making.


I doubt LBP PSP is that much of a secret after all the rumors and such.

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Euphoria14 said:
DeotoxSlayer said:
Euphoria14 said:
Maybe the BBC secret project?


 I don't think so. They were busy working on LBP at that time.

Their new project probably was still in concept during the time BBC reported on the "Secret Project"


Then why would they say "Working hard recently to get the secret project ready"?

Wouldn't that imply that it is almost done?

If not, then they are amazing since they got out of the concept stage in October and are getting it ready now.

No, it would imply it is coming out of pre-production and into actual production

How long before LBP release did the studio staff size expand?

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Aren't they a really small team?

Can't it be that they are just preparing whatever they need to, so that they can present it to Sony, to get an okay and backup from them?

twesterm said:
Of course they're working on a new project, what do you think they've been doing since LBP released?


Playing LBP themselves? >_> (the community levels)

papflesje said:
Aren't they a really small team?

Can't it be that they are just preparing whatever they need to, so that they can present it to Sony, to get an okay and backup from them?

They expanded the size of the studios staff more than halfway through LBP development. For all we know this could have been done so they could work on more than just LBP.


I also doubt "Getting it ready" and "Working hard" have to do with getting an "ok" to start development.


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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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DeotoxSlayer said:
It's definetly for a Sony system I wonder what it is, I think that there's 3 options.

1.) Rumored LBP PSP
2.) PSN Game
3.) RPG Game(they said they were interested in mmaking one)

That's interesting becuase some of them are former Lionhead employees - (Fable).

Would be nice to see another big WRPG hit the market, especially from a team as creative and innovative as Media Molecule.