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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Defense Force : Sony’s 10 Year Plan In Full Effect

November NPDs were released a few days ago showing strong momentum of the Playstation family during a period of economic uncertainty. Sony is clear on their way to sell their projected 10 million Playstation 3’s during the fiscal year.

During 2009, Sony sees a number of stunning titles only possible with the power of the Playstation 3. February 27th begins the launch of the graphical showboat Killzone 2, which will be followed up with InFamous, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, Final Fantasy XIII (exclusive in Japan), and Gran Turismo 5. This amazing lineup of exclusives, coincidng with a potential price drop sometime in 2009, will mark a transitionary period for the Playstation 3’s sales.

2007 was the year of the PS3, along with 2008, and we’re happy to report that 2009 will be an even greater year of the PS3.


lol gotta love the chart XD they've showed it before i believe XD.. the numbers are impressive XD.. especially in 2012

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Lol @ PS3 HW sales graphs.

wait wait wait...... what? really .... honestly.....

though i guess i could see some poor sole doing this up for management to justify the continued cost of the system

step 1. make a high priced system that under performs first 2 years on the market.
step 2. ???
step 3. profit

edit.... they think it will have 23 million sold by the end of this year... damn thats got to be one hell of a december when is the 179 dollar new price for the ps3 coming into effect?


edit 2: also 20 million next year? really? they could have tried to be at least somewhat in the realm of reality 

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minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

LMAO. A return to form for the SDF. Love that chart.

Impressive how the graph seems accurate so far.






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Graphs never lie. The ps3 will surge and the wii/360 just seem to die lol.

These guys are soo full of sh*t

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XBL :: stonj

I was wondering when SDF was going to return back to form.

This is good stuff, and the best part is when some people take it seriously.

haxxiy said:
Impressive how the graph seems accurate so far.


im very tired, but i hope this is sarcasm.... its drasticaly overstating ps3 sales this year and looks to be over tracking 360 sales too


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
haxxiy said:
Impressive how the graph seems accurate so far.


im very tired, but i hope this is sarcasm.... its drasticaly overstating ps3 sales this year and looks to be over tracking 360 sales too



just substract a few millions and it'll be fine :p

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