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November NPDs were released a few days ago showing strong momentum of the Playstation family during a period of economic uncertainty. Sony is clear on their way to sell their projected 10 million Playstation 3’s during the fiscal year.

During 2009, Sony sees a number of stunning titles only possible with the power of the Playstation 3. February 27th begins the launch of the graphical showboat Killzone 2, which will be followed up with InFamous, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, Final Fantasy XIII (exclusive in Japan), and Gran Turismo 5. This amazing lineup of exclusives, coincidng with a potential price drop sometime in 2009, will mark a transitionary period for the Playstation 3’s sales.

2007 was the year of the PS3, along with 2008, and we’re happy to report that 2009 will be an even greater year of the PS3.


lol gotta love the chart XD they've showed it before i believe XD.. the numbers are impressive XD.. especially in 2012

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