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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will you be satisfied with curent HD graphics after PS4/x720 wil come?

i don't believe we will huge jump in graphics next gen like we saw this gen. Nintendo proved that graphics aren't everything and im satisfied with the way games look.

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taomaster06 said:
i don't believe we will huge jump in graphics next gen like we saw this gen. Nintendo proved that graphics aren't everything and im satisfied with the way games look.


The next gen might actually be the first gen that actually takes a step back or barely moves at all... (I don't think that will happen, but it's not out of the question)


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the graphics for versus of cg, look the same to me compared to ff12 cgnamics, in game graphics might be better, i like to see some of those instead to judge further.


If three new consoles come out, and the next Nintendo one is about PS3 level graphics, while the other two are significantly beyond that, we'll see a whole new breed of fanboys claiming that PS3 level graphics are unplayable and no one could ever enjoy any games at that technical level.

HappySqurriel said:

Yes and no ...

When I'm playing games like Mario Galaxy, de Blob, Boom Blox and Zack and Wiki I don't really notice how "bad" the graphics are because the artwork is solid, the gameplay is good, and there is such a lack of emphasis on graphics that it isn't something I think of. At the same time, when I'm playing games like Gears of War or Fallout 3 which try to be such "Realistic" looking games I constantly notice details which look really bad.

I know that it is a double standard, but it is how humans are wired ... People don't look at how "Bad" Homer Simpson looks because he is a cartoon character and we don't expect him to look realistic, at the same time you will notice how bad a lot of special effects in movies look because they try to make it look realistic.

Quoted, because you speak the truth.

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DKII said:
If three new consoles come out, and the next Nintendo one is about PS3 level graphics, while the other two are significantly beyond that, we'll see a whole new breed of fanboys claiming that PS3 level graphics are unplayable and no one could ever enjoy any games at that technical level.


 Truer words never spoken.  I do expect that the next Wii will have PS3 level graphics, though.  I DON'T expect Sony and MS to have VASTLY more powerful systems though. 

No, I wouldn't, why should I? Every generation we have had a large improvement in graphics and that should not change. I'm fine with gameplay as it is, what needs to improve are the visuals and storytelling.

Then go watch movies. There has been no improvement in game storytelling since Final Fantasy VI, largely because developers have been focusing on graphics-are-everything instead of the things that really matter to games.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Well Im OK with 2D games if they are done well... and most people are OK with sub-par Wii graphics to... so I dont see any issues ;)

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Kasz216 said:
Killergran said:
Kasz216 said:

I'm still happy with late PS1 era graphics... as long as i know that extra money saved on graphics was put to use on gameplay and other features.


Noooooo~~~ The PS1 had horrible graphics. The N64 had some good titles, but the PS1 made everything look like crap. Pixelated, brown and terribly low res. It was not even satisfying when the PS1 was released.

Half-life is the first title that I can go back and play without being terribly frustrated by the bad 3d. Everything better than that is good enough, really. I don't mind prettier graphics, but it doesn't add as much now as it did in the old days.

I coulda swore PS1 games had N64 level graphics towards the end.  Ok late N64 then.  Maybe early generation after.



 Remember this BEAUTIFUL PS1 gem?

Makes me so sad that they cancelled the series. It was supposed to be a trilogy I heard, with the first game being "Phantom Pain". This game should be revived and brought to current gen consoles since it is part of the "Ivalice Alliance".

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