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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The 'Why I Love My 360' Thread - no negativity allowed

Best shooters

  • Halo3
  • Gears of War
  • Gears of War2
  • Bioshock
  • Left 4 Dead

Best JRPGs

  • The Last Remnant,
  • Tales of Vesperia
  • Infinite Undiscovery
  • (Star Ocean)
  • (Final Fantasy XIII)

Best WRPGs

  • Fable2
  • Mass Effect
  • Fallout3 (DLC)
  • (Risen)

Best Online

Best Arcade

Best VoD

Best price

Best upcoming games

I am a guy who loves playing Shooters online and RPGs, especially WRPGs. I love games with a great atmosphere, where you really want to see the end of the story and you really feel involved in this game. Just judging by the screenshots and Trailers, Alan Wake could be such a game. And it is made by remedy. They created Max Payne! enough said. So the Xbox360 is the best possible console for me.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Around the Network

Shameful plug but if I wasn't enjoying my 360 i would not be making these vids at all..

online with random ppl in Phantasy Star universe

my first day playing GTA IV online..playing with 2 ppl who lived in puerto rico, one from Nenderlands and me in UK

N3 - hidden character vigk vagk



selnor said:
myths_n_legends said:
selnor said:
myths_n_legends said:
Greatest online ever
Greatest exclusives ever (outside N64)
No hardware issues (launch system never had one problem with it... ps2 fell apart like as soon as i took it out the box)
Best versions of multi plat games
Constant upgrade of interface
Id go on but dont wanna get yanked off stage during my first post


 Dude the highlighted red part. WTF?

I love the 360 but seriously, the 360 had the worst HW issues at launch of any console. It's fine now, but dont hide that one. M$ f*cked up there. They could have been leading Sony by 12-15 mill if RRoD wasnt around.

no doubt but i was sayin why I love the 360 and my 360 hasnt had one problem in 3 years therefore no hardware issues for me so i love it... i however cannot speak for everyone that had the rrod


Ah ok. MAybe could have left the PS2 bit out of your comment though. It made it look like a troll in a thread stating nothing negative about 360, doesnt mean negative bout other consoles is allowed. I for one was a big fan of PS2 and I'm sure the PS hardcore fanbase would not accept that comment. Just advice dude.

Trust me, Ive made a few wrong, bad , stupid comments on here in the past. I learned the hard way.

:) But yeah 360 rocks.


ill definitely keep that in mind but after having disc read errors to no end last gen somehow going against the odds and not getting an rrod on a launch console just makes it even more important for me


myths_n_legends said:
Greatest online ever
Greatest exclusives ever (outside N64)
No hardware issues (launch system never had one problem with it... ps2 fell apart like as soon as i took it out the box)
Best versions of multi plat games
Constant upgrade of interface
Id go on but dont wanna get yanked off stage during my first post

Don't worry, your opinion is your opinion bro. Although this is a heavy PS3 fanboyed site, don't be afraid to share your opinions! Welcome to VGchartz, btw.

On topic: Pretty much everything Shadowblind/Selnor/myths_n_legends said, and then some.

-Game library


-Arcade games ('nuff said.)

-Live (superior online, you get what you pay for)


-Achievements (Sorry, "trophies" mimic just doesn't do it like 'cheevos do, which is why most people still get multiplats on 360)

-Superior multiplats (give or take 1 or 2 games out of what, a hundred?)


-Able to talk to friends anytime during any game, one friend or even 7 at once, scroll through and compare achievements and the like of anyone at anytime including recent players you've played with

-Microsoft knows how to give it's fans what they want, when they want. Attacking the casual crowd while still giving into it's hardcore crowd.

-Microsoft doesn't make empty promises

-Party system

-Microsoft doesn't announce games 1-3 years in advance, hype it up and spin it as the next best thing since sliced bread. Announces titles the same year it's released usually, delivers to it's fans. Looking foward to our great 2009 line-up with PLENTY of unannounced big titles, as usual (lol@ people who think 2009 won't do good for MS, it'll probably be better than 2008)

-Extremely quiet, never gets the slightest bit hot when games are installed. Extremely quick OPTIONAL installs.

-Reliable (launch system, never had any problems, upgraded to a 60gig and it's even more beautiful)

-Most games are 1080p


- Always has the best line-up, doesn't horseride on games from 10 years ago (i.e MGS4, GT5, etc)

-Sales wise it's the hardware/software HD system of choice, despite what fanboys may spin


Let me stop, I can go on and on forever..

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

1) The library
2) Xbox live

Around the Network

Took this from onther thread, but it's a game I can not wait for, and why I love my 360.

Kingdom Under Fire 2

Real Time:


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

piggychan said:

Shameful plug but if I wasn't enjoying my 360 i would not be making these vids at all..

online with random ppl in Phantasy Star universe

my first day playing GTA IV online..playing with 2 ppl who lived in puerto rico, one from Nenderlands and me in UK

N3 - hidden character vigk vagk




 @ Piggychan

Is PSU a good console MMO. I have thought about buying it for awhile. do people still play it? is there extra content still supplied for it?

sega4life said:

Took this from onther thread, but it's a game I can not wait for, and why I love my 360.

Kingdom Under Fire 2

Real Time:


Was this from one of my posts by any chance. :)


I love my 360 games, so I love the system.

The games are fun, so is the system.

sega4life said:

Took this from onther thread, but it's a game I can not wait for, and why I love my 360.

Kingdom Under Fire 2 


This looks more like a denial thread...

I mean do you really need a thread to make everyone feel better about their PS3?

Just don't read those threads, if you love your PS3 then you love your PS3.


I love my PS3.
